- Name:Dongying Li
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:301C Microelectronic Bldg.
- Office Phone:021-54747442
- Email:dongying.li@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Metamaterials and metasurfaces;
Antenna design;
Radar detection algorithms
Ph. D in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 2011
M. A. Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Canada, 2006
B. Eng. in Information Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2004
Work experience
2016.1 - Present Associate Professor, School of Electronic, Information, and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2014.7 - 2015.12 Assistant Professor, School of Electronic, Information, and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2010.10 - 2014.6 Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore
The research interests of Professor Dongying Li include: design and application of metamaterials, metasurfaces, and novel antennas structures. His research also involves radar detection techniques and algorithms for small targets under complex environment, driven by the motivation of small UAV detection in urban areas.
Awards and Honors
2015 Pujiang Talents Plan (Class A) by Shanghai Municipal Government
2014 Annual Best Paper Award, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
2009 Chinese Governmental Award for Excellent Graduate Students Abroad
2008 Honorable Mention Paper, student paper competition of 2008 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium
EE327: Fundamental Circuits for Communcation
D. Li and E.-P. Li “Impedance calculation and equivalent circuits for metal-insulator-metal plasmonic geometries,” Opt. Lett., vol. 38, no. 17, pp. 3384-3386, Sep. 2013.
D. Li, Z. Szabo, X. Qin, E.-P. Li, and Z. Chen, “A high gain antenna with an optimized metamaterial inspired superstrate,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 60, pp. 6018-6023, Dec. 2012.
H. S. Chu, O. Kurniawan, W. Zhang, D. Li, and E.-P. Li, “Integrated system-level electronic design automation (EDA) for designing plasmonic nanocircuits,” IEEE Trans. Nanotech., vol. 11, pp. 731-738, Jul. 2012.
D. Li and C. D. Sarris, “Time-domain modeling of nonlinear optical structures with extended stability FDTD schemes,” IEEE Journal Lightwave Tech., vol. 29, pp.1003-1010, Feb. 2011.
D. Li and C. D. Sarris, “A new approach for the FDTD modeling of antennas over periodic structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 59, pp. 310-314, Jan. 2011.
D. Li and C. D. Sarris, “A unified FDTD lattice truncation method for dispersive media based on periodic boundary conditions,” IEEE Journal Lightwave Tech., vol. 28, pp. 1447-1454, Mar 2010.
D. Li and C. D. Sarris, “Efficient finite-difference time-domain modeling of driven periodic structures and related microwave circuit applications,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 56, pp. 1928-1937, Aug. 2008.
D. Li and N. K. Nikolova, “Electromagnetic optimization using sensitivity analysis in the frequency domain,” IET. Microw. Antenna Propagat., vol. 1, pp-852-859, Jan. 2007.
N. K. Nikolova, J. Zhu, D. Li, M. Bakr, and J. Bandler, “Sensitivity analyses of network parameters with electromagnetic frequency domain simulator,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 54, pp. 670-681, Feb. 2006.
J. Yu, D. Li, and W. Yu, "Architecture, parameters estimation and coherent performance analysis of a distributed network radar system," The 32th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Montreal, Cnanada, Aug. 2017.
J. Lin, D. Li, and W. Yu, "A high-gain antenna with U-slot using zero-index metamaterial superstrate," 2017 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Athens, Greece, Mar. 2017.
T. Yan and D. Li, "A broadband and high-gain antenna using optimized metamaterial superstrates," 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2016.
S Zou, D. Li, and W. Yu, "Distributed sSensor fusion using covariance intersection and particle filtering based on adaptive genetic algorithm," 2016 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Swizerland, Apr. 2016.
W. Wang, D. Li, and W. Yu, "Simultaneous localization and mapping embedded with particle filter algorithm," 2016 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Swizerland, Apr. 2016.
T. Zeng, D. Li, and W. Yu, "Using zero-index metamaterial to enhance the gain of a broadband microstrip patch antenna," 2016 International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Guangzhou, China, Feb. 2016.
G. Xiong, D. Li, and W. Yu, "A novel singularity spectrum distribution of radar sea clutter," 2015 IET International Radar Conerence, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2015.
D. Li and W. Yu, “Multilayer active metasurface for beam scanning antenna applications,” 2015 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul. 2015.
Y. Yu, D. Li, Q. Li, and C. E. Png, “An explicit finite-difference time-domain scheme for simulation of magnetized cold plasma,” 2015 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
D. Li, E.-P. Li, M. Zhang, and W. Yu, “Equivalent circuit models of a lossy MIM multiple teeth-shape filter,” 2015 International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Hong Kong, China, Feb. 2015.
Y. Feng, D. Li, M. Zhang, and W. Yu, “SAR Imaging with time-domain full-wave scattering calculations,” 2015 International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Hong Kong, China, Feb. 2015.
D. Li, “Reconfigurable gradient surface and its application in microwave beam steering,” The 31th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
D. Li and Y. Yu, “A microwave gradient surface for beam-steering purposes based on generalized Snell’s Law,” 2014 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Memphis, TN, U.S., Jul. 2014.