- Name:Wu, Yuanxin
- Title:Professor
- Office:301-D, Micro-Electronics Building
- Office Phone:
- Email:yuanxin.wu@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://isn.sjtu.edu.cn/web/personal-page/yxwu
Research Field
Navigation Systems (all kinds of inertial-based)
Inertial-Visual Fusion
State Estimation
Human Body Motion Tracking
2005.12, Ph.D. in Navigation and Control (with honor, Advisor: Prof. Dewen Hu)
1998.09, B.S. in Automatic Control (with honor)
Work experience
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering
2015-present, Professor, in Navigation and Estimation
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
2013-2015, Professor, in Navigation and Control
Department of Geomatics Engineering
2009, Visiting Scholar
Department of Automatic Control, College of Mechatronics and Automation
2018-2012, Associate Professor, in Navigation and Control
2006-2007, Lecturer, in Navigation and Control
Awards and Honors
- SJTU Top-Ten Advances of Science and Technology, 2022
- IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturer (2020-2022)
- 2015-2020 Most Cited Chinese Researchers, Elsevier
- Natural Science and Technology Award in University (2nd Prize), China Ministry of Education, 2016
- National Science Award for Excellent Young Scientists, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.
- Natural Science Award for Distinguished Young Scholars, Hunan Province Natural Science Foundation, 2014
- Fok Ying Tung Education Fellowship, Fok Ying Tung Foundation, 2012
- National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, China Ministry of Education, 2008
- IOP Select paper for the work on “INS multi-position calibration”, Royal Institute of Physics (IOP), United Kingdom, 2010
- Natural Science and Technology Award in University (1st Prize), China Ministry of Education, 2008
- New Century Excellent Talents in University, China Ministry of Education, 2010
- “A Tutorial to Inertial Navigation” in Graduate Course “Navigation Technology”, SJTU, (Spring 2018&2019, 9*2 hrs)
- “Inertial Navigation System and Beyond - An Algorithmic View”, International Summer School on “Mobile Mapping Technology”, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 9 June 2014 (3 hrs).
- “Principles of Navigation”, Undergraduate Course, CSU. (Spring 2014; 48 hrs)
- “Autonomous Navigation and Its Applications”, Graduate Course, NUDT. (Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012; 234 hrs in total)
- “Principles of Automatic Control”, Undergraduate Course, NUDT. (Spring 2011; 50 hrs)
- “National Summer School on Navigation Technology”, Co-organizer and three-hour lecturer, Summer 2011, NUDT.
[J46] Maoran Zhu and Yuanxin Wu*, “ChevOpt: Continuous-time State Estimation by Temporal Chebyshev Polynomial Optimization”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2022.6.
[J45] Wei Ouyang and Yuanxin Wu*, “Optimization-Based Strapdown Attitude Alignment for High-accuracy Systems: Covariance Analysis with Applications”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022.3.
[J44] Yuanxin Wu* and Maoran Zhu, “Attitude Reconstruction from Inertial Measurement: Mitigating Runge Effect for Dynamic Applications”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(2), pp. 1257-1265, 2022.
[J43] Wei Ouyang and Yuanxin Wu*, “A Trident Quaternion Framework for Inertial-based Navigation Part II: Error Models and Application to Initial Alignment”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(3), pp. 2409-2420, 2022.
[J42] Wei Ouyang and Yuanxin Wu*, “A Trident Quaternion Framework for Inertial-based Navigation Part I: Rigid Motion Representation and Computation”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(3), pp. 2421-2437, 2022.
[J41] Qi Cai#, Lilian Zhang#, Yuanxin Wu*, Wenxian Yu and Dewen Hu*, “A pose-only solution to visual reconstruction and navigation”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021.12.
[J40] Maoran Zhu, Yuanxin Wu*, and Shitu Luo, “f2IMU-R: Pedestrian Navigation by Low-cost Foot-mounted Dual IMUs and Inter-foot Ranging”, IEEE Trans. on Control System Technology, 30(1), pp. 247-260, 2022.
[J39] Maoran Zhu, Wei Ouyang and Yuanxin Wu*, “MARG Orientation Estimation by Partial-State Updating Kalman Filter and Vectorial Magnetic Interference Detection”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57(3), pp. 1815-1826, 2021.
[J38] Wei Ouyang, Yuanxin Wu* and Hongyue Chen, “INS/Odometer Land Navigation by Accurate Measurement Modeling and Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57(1), pp. 245-262, 2021.
[J37] Yuanxin Wu* and Yury A. Litmanovich, “Strapdown Attitude Computation: Functional Iterative Integration versus Taylor Series Expansion”, Gyroscopy and Navigation, 11(4), pp. 263-276, 2020 (longer version available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.09935).
[J36] Yuanxin Wu, “iNavFIter: Next-Generation Inertial Navigation Computation Based on Functional Iteration”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 56(3), pp. 2061-2082, 2020.
[J35] Yuanxin Wu*, Chao He and Gang Liu, “On Inertial Navigation and Attitude Initialization in Polar Areas”, Satellite Navigation, 1:4, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43020-019-0002-4
[J34] Maoran Zhu, Yuanxin Wu* and Wenxian Yu, “An Efficient Method for Gyroscope-aided Full Magnetometer Calibration”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 15, pp. 6355-6361, 2019.
[J33] Danping Zou*, Yuanxin Wu, Ling Pei, Haibin Ling and Wenxian Yu, “StructVIO: Visual-inertial Odometry with Structural Regularity of Man-made Environments”, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 999-1013, 2019.
[J32] Yuanxin Wu* and Gongmin Yan, “Attitude Reconstruction from Inertial Measurements: QuatFIter and Its Comparison with RodFIter”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(6), pp. 3629-3639, 2019.
[J31] Qi Cai, Yuanxin Wu*, Lilian Zhang and Peike Zhang, “Equivalent Constraints for Two-View Geometry: Pose Solution/Pure Rotation Identification and 3D Reconstruction”, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 127, no. 2, pp. 163-180, 2019.
[J30] Yuanxin Wu*, Qi Cai and Tnieu-Kien Truong, “Fast RodFIter for Attitude Reconstruction from Inertial Measurements”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 419-428, 2019.
[J29] Yuanxin Wu, “RodFIter: Attitude Reconstruction from Inertial Measurement by Functional Iteration”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2131-2142, 2018.
[J28] Yuanxin Wu*, Danping Zou, Peilin Liu and Wenxian Yu, “Dynamic Magnetometer Calibration and Alignment to Inertial Sensors by Kalman Filtering”, IEEE Trans. on Control System Technology, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 716-723, 2018.
[J27] Yuanxin Wu* and Ling Pei, “Gyroscope Calibration via Magnetometer”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 16, pp. 5269-5275, 2017.
[J26] Yuanxin Wu* and Shitu Luo, “On Misalignment between Magnetometer and Inertial Sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 6288-6297, 2016.
[J25] Xianfei Pan and Yuanxin Wu*, “Underwater Doppler Navigation with Self-calibration”, Journal of Navigation, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 295-312, 2016.
[J24] Yuanxin Wu* and Wei Shi, "On Calibration of Three-axis Magnetometer," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 6424-6431, 2015.
[J23] Yuanxin Wu, Further Results on “Velocity/Position Integration Formula (I): Application to In-flight Alignment”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 773-775, 2015.
[J22] Yuanxin Wu*, Jinling Wang and Dewen Hu, “A New Technique for INS/GNSS Attitude and Parameter Estimation Using Online Optimization”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 2642-2655, 2014.
[J21] Tao Ma, Yuanxin Wu*, Xiaoping Hu and Meiping Wu, “One-step downward continuation of potential fields in wavenumber domain”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 2, 025002, 2014.
[J20] Yuanxin Wu* and Xianfei Pan, “Velocity/Position Integration Formula (I): Application to In-flight Alignment”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 1006-1023, 2013.
[J19] Yuanxin Wu* and Xianfei Pan, “Velocity/Position Integration Formula (II): Application to Strapdown Inertial Navigation Computation”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 1024-1034, 2013.
[J18] Zhitian Wu, Yuanxin Wu, Xiaoping Hu and Meiping Wu, “Calibration of Three-axis Magnetometers Using Stretching Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 281-292, 2013.
[J17] Jie Yang, Wenqi Wu, Yuanxin Wu and Junxiang Lian, “Thermal Calibration for Accelerometer Triad Based on Sequential Multi-position Observation”, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 467-482, 2013.
[J16] Yuanxin Wu, “A Critique on ‘On Finite Rotations and Noncommutativity Rate Vector’”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 1846-1847, 2012.
[J15] Yuanxin Wu*, Hongliang Zhang, Meiping Wu, Xiaoping Hu, and Dewen Hu, “Observability of SINS Alignment: A Global Perspective”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 78-102, 2012.
[J14] Meiping Wu, Yuanxin Wu*, Xiaoping Hu, and Dewen Hu, “Optimization-based Alignment for Inertial Navigation Systems: Theory and Algorithm”, Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-17, 2011.
[J13] Yuanxin Wu*, Yonggang Tang, and Hongliang Zhang, “Comments and Further Results on ‘Observability of an Integrated GPS/INS during Maneuvers’”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 1566-1568, 2010.
[J12] Hongliang Zhang, Yuanxin Wu*, Meiping Wu, Wenqi Wu, and Xiaoping Hu, “Improved Multi-position Calibration for Inertial Measurement Units”, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 21, p. 015107 (11pp), 2010 (IOP Select)
[J11] Yonggang, Tang, Yuanxin Wu*, Meiping Wu, Wenqi Wu, Xiaoping Hu, and Lincheng Shen, “INS/GPS Integration: Global Observability Analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1129-1142, 2009.
[J10] Yonggang Tang, Yuanxin Wu*, Meiping Wu, and Xiaoping Hu, “Nonlinear Tracking-Differentiator for Velocity Determination using Carrier Phase Measurements”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 716-725, 2009.
[J9] Yuanxin Wu*, Dewen Hu, and Xiaoping Hu, “Comments on ‘Performance Evaluation of UKF-based Nonlinear Filtering’”, Automatica, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 567-568, 2007.
[J8] Yuanxin Wu*, Meiping Wu, Dewen Hu, and Xiaoping Hu, “Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Using Dual Quaternions: Error Analyis”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, pp. 259-266, 2006.
[J7] Yuanxin Wu*, Dewen Hu, Meiping Wu, Xiaoping Hu, and Tao Wu, “Observability Analysis of Rotation Estimation by Fusing Inertial and Line-Based Visual Information: A Revisit”, Automatica, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1809-1812, 2006.
[J6] Yuanxin Wu*, Dewen Hu, Meiping Wu, and Xiaoping Hu, “A Numerical-integration Perspective on Gaussian Filters”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 2910-2921, 2006.
[J5] Yuanxin Wu, “On ‘A Unified Mathematical Framework for Strapdown Algorithm Design’”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1482-1484, 2006.
[J4] Yuanxin Wu*, Xiaoping Hu, Dewen Hu, and Meiping Wu, “Comments on ‘Gaussian Particle Filtering’”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 3350-3351, 2005.
[J3] Yuanxin Wu*, Xiaoping Hu, Dewen Hu, Tao Li, and Junxiang Lian, “Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Algorithms Based on Dual Quaternions”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 110-132, 2005.
[J2] Yuanxin Wu*, Dewen Hu, Meiping Wu, and Xiaoping Hu, “Unscented Kalman Filtering for Additive Noise Case: Augmented versus Non-augmented”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 357-360, 2005.
[J1] Yuanxin Wu*, Ping Wang, and Xiaoping Hu, “Algorithm of Earth-centered Earth-fixed Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1457-1461, 2003.
• Associate Editor (2016.11-), IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems
• Associate Editor (2013.9-), Journal of Navigation (ISSN: 0373-4633), UK
• Associate Editor (2019.5-), Satellite Navigation, Springer, China
• Session Chair for
- IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Integrated Inertial Navigation Systems, Portland, USA, Apr. 2020
- DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS) - Symposium Gyro Technology, Germany, Sept. 2019
-ION Pacific PNT Conference, Inertial Navigation Systems, Hawaii, 2017, 2019, 2021;
-Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS), Wuhan, March 2018
-International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT 2015), Sydney, Dec. 2015;
• TPC/PC members for
- DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems - Symposium Gyro Technology, Germany (Since 2019)
-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2017-Spring, Sydney, June 2017;
-Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS), Shanghai, Nov. 2016;
-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall, Montréal, Sept. 2016