- Name:Jiang Xiuchen
- Title:Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:34205565
- Email:xcjiang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Theory and methodology of high-voltage equipment intelligentization
New equipment for the smart grid
Ph. D, 1997.4-2001.9, SJTU, Electrical Engineering
Master, 1989.9-1992.3, Tsinghua University, Electrical Engineering
Bachelor, 1983.9-1987.7, SJTU, Electrical Engineering
Work experience
1992.4-now, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1987.7-1989.9,Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd
National natural science foundation grants, projects supported by municipal grants from Shanghai city, and collaboration projects from utility companies.
Awards and Honors
In the past five years, research efforts of Prof. Jiang have resulted in 1 national prize for progress in science and technology, 7 state or provincial awards.
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering
In the recent 10 years, prof. Jiang has published over 100 papers.