- Name:Jin Zhijian
- Title:Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:62825253/34206990
- Email:zjjin@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Smart Grid technology, especially in online monitoring technology for electrical power apparatus, superconductor application technology, smart charging system for EV, etc.
Doctor of Electric Engineering of Shanghai JiaoTong University, Master and Bachelor of High Voltage Engineering of Shanghai JiaoTong University
Work experience
1990~now worked in Electrical Engineering Department of Shanghai JiaoTong Univ.
2003~2004 worked in CERN for the AMS project on ISS with MIT Professor Samuel Chao Chung Ting
2009~now worked in State Energy Smart Grid R&D Center
Successively served as Director of High Voltage Engineering Research School, Vice Director of Electrical Engineering Department of Shanghai JiaoTong University, Deputy Director of State Energy Smart Grid R&D Center
Study proceeding now including:
1) Online-monitoring technology for power transformer with vibration and photoacoustic spectroscopy.
2) Smart EV charge system integrated with storage station. MOST “863” project
3) Resistive superconductor current limiter project
Awards and Honors
“the arc-suppression systems with magnetic bias technology” 2nd Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Ministry of Education
“Non-electric measurement technology for monitoring power apparatus” 2nd Prize of Science and Technology Progress of State Grid Corporation of China
Power Electronics System Design; New Technology in High Voltage Engineering
1) Estimation of the clamping pressures of transformer windings from vibration measurements, Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol.15, No.1, 2008: 30-35
2) Application of Extended Kalman Filter to the Modeling of Electric Arc Furnace for Power Quality Issue,Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.E-12,No.2,2007:257-262
3) Experimental research of vibration of vibration sweep frequency response analysis to detect the winding deformation of power transformer, Proceedings of IEEE PES T&D, 2010