- Name:He Di
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Room 309, Microelectronics Building
- Office Phone:34206185
- Email:dihe@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://nls.sjtu.edu.cn/en/show.aspx?info_lb=247&flag=224&info_id=189
Research Field
Wireless Positioning/Localization, Wireless Communications, Communication Signal Processing
1992~1996 Huazhong University of Science and Technology (B.E.)
1996~1999 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (M.E.)
1999~2002 Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Ph.D.)
Work experience
2002~2004 University of Calgary, Canada (Postdoctor)
2004~now Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Associate Professor)
(1)Research of Indoor Distributed Localization Technology Based on 5G Networks (Important National Science and Technology Special Project of China)
(2)Key Technologies Research on Indoor and Outdoor Seamless Signal System and High Precision Navigation Virtual Test for Real Scenes (Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Research Project)
Awards and Honors
(1)Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award Special Award 2016
(2)IEEE Senior Member
(3)General Secretariat of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Shanghai Chapter
(4)Best Paper Award of IEEE PrimeAsia 2009
(1)Basic Circuit Theory (for undergraduate student)
(2)Circuit Basis (for undergraduate student)
(3)Basic Circuits for Communications (for undergraduate student)
(4)Array Signal Processing and Space-time Signal Processing (for graduate student)
[1] Di He. Chaotic Stochastic Resonance Energy Detection Fusion Used in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.62, No.2, February 2013: pp.620~627.
[2] Di He, Yingpei Lin, Chen He and Lingge Jiang. A Novel Spectrum Sensing Technique in Cognitive Radio Based on Stochastic Resonance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.59, No.4, May 2010: pp.1680~1688.
[3] Di He and Henry Leung. Network Intrusion Detection Using CFAR Abrupt-Change Detectors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.57, No.3, March 2008: pp.490~497.
[4] Di He and Henry Leung. Semi-blind Identification of ARMA Systems Using a Dynamic-based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Vol.52, No.1, January 2005: pp.179~190.
[5] Di He and Henry Leung. Quasi-Orthogonal Chaotic CDMA Multi-User Detection Using Optimal Chaos Synchronization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol.52, No.11, November 2005: pp.739~743.
[6] Di He, Chen He, Ling-ge Jiang, Hong-wen Zhu and Guang-rui Hu. Chaotic Characteristics of a One-dimensional Iterative Map with Infinite Collapses. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Vol.48, No.7, July 2001: pp.900~906.
[7] Di He and Henry Leung. CFAR Detection of Weak Target in Clutter Using Chaos Synchronization. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.36, No.8, 2008: pp.899~921.
[8] Di He. Reducing the Sampling Complexity of Energy Detection in Cognitive Radio Networks under Low SNR by Using the Optimal Stochastic Resonance Technique. Circuits Systems Signal Processing, Vol.32, No.4, August 2013: pp.1891~1905.
[9] Di He and Henry Leung. Network Intrusion Detection Using a Stochastic Resonance CFAR Technique. Circuits Systems Signal Processing, Vol.28, No.3, June 2009: pp.361~375.
[10] Di He, Chen He, Ling-ge Jiang, Hong-wen Zhu and Guang-rui Hu. A New Phase Acquisition Method of Address Code Utilizing the Combination of Logistic Map and BP Network. Circuits Systems Signal Processing, Vol.22, No.1, January 2003: pp.1~17.
[11] Di He, Chen He, Ling-ge Jiang, Hong-wen Zhu and Guang-rui Hu. Optimization Chaotic Synchronization of Length-limited Noisy Chua’s Circuit Signal. Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.6, 2001: pp.342~344.
[12] Di He. Estimating Signal Parameters in Strong Clutter Using SVM-based Chaos Synchronization. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.20, No.1, 2011: pp.91~97.
[13] Di He, Winston (Wenhua) Li, Fusheng Zhu and Weiyao Lin. An Enhanced Covariance Spectrum Sensing Technique Based on Stochastic Resonance in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE ISCAS 2012: pp.818~821.
[14] Di He and Lingge Jiang. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Approach Based on Stochastic Resonance Energy Detectors Fusion. IEEE ICC 2011.
[15] Di He. Improving the Computer Network Intrusion Detection Performance Using the Relevance Vector Machine with Chebyshev Chaotic Map. IEEE ISCAS 2011: pp.1584~1587.
[16] Di He. Optimization of Quartic Double-well Bistable Stochastic Resonance System. IEEE ISCAS 2011: pp.1972~1975