- Name:Guoqiang LI
- Title:associate professor, doctorial supervisor
- Office:1212, Software Builiding
- Office Phone:+86 - 21-34204167
- Email:li.g@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://basics.sjtu.edu.cn/~liguoqiang
Research Field
formal verification
programming language theory
knowledge reasoning and verification
intelligent system verification and security
data analytics and intelligence
2005.4 – 2008.3, PhD., Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2002.9 – 2005.3, MSc., Department of CST, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1997.9 - 2001.7, BSc., Department of CST, Taiyuan University of Technology
Work experience
2014.01 - Associate Professor, School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2016.12 - 2020.4 Guest Associate Professor, Research and Development Center for Smart Mobility, Kyushu University
2015.07 - 2016.07, Academic Visitor, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
2009.04 – 2013.12, Lecturer, School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2009.12 – 2010.12, Liaison Staff, Bureau of International Cooperation, NSFC
2008.04 – 2009.03, Posdoc. Researcher, NCES, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
Verification Models and Efficient Algorithms of Asynchronously Communicating Programs Based on Basic Parallel Processes, PI, NSFC General Program, 2019-2022
Reliability of Safety Critical Software Systems, Sub-project PI, NSFC Key Program, 2018-2022
Theory and Methodology of Asynchronously Communicating Program Analysis PI, NSFC General Program, 2017
Verification on Reachability Problem of Time-Sensitive Pushdown Systems PI, NSFC General Program, 2015-2018
Methodology of Program Analysis Based on Automata Model Checking with Time Issues PI, NSFC Youth, 2012-2014
Awards and Honors
ICSE 2020 distinguished paper award.
Algorithm Design (SE3352) (2021-)
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Sciences (SE2324)(2021-2023)
Design and Implementation of Algorithms (SE121) (2020)
Principle of Algorithms (SE222) (2016-2019)
Computability Theory (SE226) (2012-2014)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (EI6303) (2011- )
Academic Writing, Integrity and Ethics (GE6001) (2019-)
Fundamentals of Programming Languages (X037515) (2017)
A full list of the publications is available on my webpage.
Conferences and Workshops:
Jingyang Li, Guoqiang Li*. HOBAT: Batch Verification for Homogeneous Structural Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the ASE'23, 2023
Minyu Chen, Guoqiang Li*, Chen Ma, Jingyang Li, Hongfei Fu. Repo4QA: Answering Coding Questions via Dense Retrieval on GitHub Repositories. In Proceedings of COLING'22, 1580-1592, 2022
Qunhao Sha, Qizhe Yang, Guoqiang Li*. A Parallel Implementation of Liveness on Knowledge Graphs under Label Constraints. In Proceedings of the TASE'21, IEEE Society, 103-110, 2021
Jieshan Chen, Mulong Xie, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li. Object Detection for Graphical User Interface: Old Fashioned or Deep Learning or a Combination?. In Proceedings of the ESEC/FSE'20, 1202-1214, 2020
Jieshan Chen, Chunyang Chen*, Zhenchang Xing, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li*, Jinshui Wang. Unblind Your Apps: Predicting Natural-Language Labels for Mobile GUI Components by Deep Learning. In Proceedings of the ICSE'20, accepted, 2020 (Distinguished paper award!)
Dehai Zhao, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li*, Jinshui Wang. Seenomaly: Vision-Based Linting of GUI Animation Effects Against Design-Don't Guidelines. In Proceedings of the ICSE'20, 2020
Xiaoxue Ren, Zhenchang Xing, Xin Xia, Guoqiang Li, Jianling Sun. Discovering, Explaining and Summarizing Controversial Discussions in Community Q&A Sites. In Proceedings of the ASE'19, 2019
Dehai Zhao, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen*, Xin Xia*, Guoqiang Li*. ActionNet: Vision-based Workflow Action Recognition From Programming Screencasts. In Proceedings of the ICSE'19, 350-361, 2019
Haitao Zhang, Ayang Tuo, Guoqiang Li. Model Checking is Possible to Verify Large-scale Vehicle Distributed Application Systems. In Proceedings of the DATE'19, 594-597, 2019
Chunyang Chen, Xi Chen, Jiamou Sun, Zhenchang Xing, Guoqiang Li*. Data-Driven Proactive Policy Assurance of Post Quality in Community Q&A Sites. In Proceedings of the CSCW'18, ACM, Vol. 2, 33, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Xiaohong Li, Zhuo Cheng, Jinyun Xue, Shaoying Liu. An Efficient Approach for Verifying Automobile Distributed Application Systems on Timing Property. In Proceedings of the ICSE'18, IEEE/ACM Society, 230-231, 2018
Yuwei Wang, Guoqiang Li, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Invariants. In Proceedings of the SETTA'17, LNCS 10606, 77-93, 2017
Yuwei Wang, Yunqing Wen, Guoqiang Li, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Diagonal Constraints. In Proceedings of the ICFEM'17, LNCS 10610, 396-412, 2017
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Frozen Clocks. In Proceedings of the FORMATS'15, LNCS 9268, 189-205, 2015
Guoqiang Li, Xiaojuan Cai, Mizuhito Ogawa, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata. In Proceedings of the FORMATS'13, LNCS 8053, 168-182, 2013
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa. Authentication Revisited: Flaw or Not, the Recursive Authentication Protocol. In Proceedings of the ATVA'08, LNCS 5311, 374-385, 2008
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa. On-the-fly Model Checking of Fair Non-repudiation Protocols. In Proceedings of the ATVA'07, LNCS 4762, 511-522, 2007
Journals and Transactions:
Suyu Ma, Cheng Chen, Zhenchang Xing, Lizhen Qu, Chunyang Chen, Guoqiang Li*. Easy-to-Deploy API Extraction by Multi-Level Feature Embedding and Transfer Learning. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 47(10), 2296 - 2311, 2021
Guoqiang Li*, Li Liu, Akira Fukuda. Asynchronous Multi-Process Timed Automata. Software Quality Journal, Vol. 26(3): 961-989, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Guoqiang Li*, Zhuo Cheng, Jinyun Xue. Verifying OSEK/VDX Automotive Applications: A Spin-Based Model Checking Approach. Software: Testing, Verification and Reliability, Vol. 28(3), 2018
Ling Fang, Chunyan Mu, Zhuo Cheng, Guoqiang Li*. Evaluation of Redundancy Based System: A Model Checking Approach. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(6), 069101, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Zhuo Cheng, Guoqiang Li, Shaoying Liu. autoC: an Efficient Translator for Model Checking Deterministic Scheduler based OSEK/VDX Applications. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(5), 052102, 2018
Guoqiang Li*, Yunqing Wen, Shoji Yuen. Updatable Timed Automata with One Updatable Clock. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(1), 012102, 2018
Qizhe Yang, Guoqiang Li*. Model on Asynchronously Communicating Program Verification Based on Communicating Petri Nets. Journal of Software (软件学报), in Chinese,Vol. 28(4), 804-818, 2017
Yuwei Wang, Guoqiang Li* and Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Various Clocks. Science Foundation in China, Vol. 24(2), 51-68, 2016
Lichao Wang, Guoqiang Li*, Zhenjiang Hu. Constructing Format-Preserving Printing from Syntax-Directed Definition. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 58 (11), 112106:1-112106:14, 2015
The senior member of China Computer Federation (CCF)
Committee member: Standing Committee of Formal Methods, China Computer Federation
Committee member: Technical Committee of Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence
Committee member: Technical Committee of Language and Knowledge Computing, Chinese Information Processing Society of China
Committee member: Technical Committee of Image Intelligence and Edge Computing, China Society of Image and Graphics
Committee member: Technical Committee of Theoretical Computer Science, Shanghai Computer Society
Guest Editor of Journal of Software(软件学报), Vol. 5, 2018
Serve as Program Chair in the following conferences and workshops:
SEKM'20-23 | FMAC'17
Serve as a PC in the following conferences and workshops:
Chinasoft'23 | SETTA'23 | CCKS'23 | TASE'23 | PRICAI'23 | IEEE MedAI'23
Chinasoft'22 |CCKS'22 | SETTA'22 | TASE'22 | ICTAC'22
Chinasoft'21| CCKS'21 | SETTA'21 | TASE'21
SEKM'20 | TASE'20
SEKM'19 | FMAC'19 | ICEBE'19 | SATE'19 | SETTA'19 | TASE'19
DSA'18 | YR-FMAC'18 | ICEBE'18 | SATE'18 | SEKM'18 | ISSSR'18 | FMAC'18 | SETTA'18 | APDCM'18
YR-SETTA'17 | DSA'17 | ICFEM'17 | SOFL+MSVL'17 | TASE'17 | SEKM'17 | ICA3PP'17 | APDCM'17
FMAC'16 | YR-SETTA'16 | IS3R'16 | ICEBE'16 | SEKM'16 | SOFL+MSVL'16 | CANDAR'16 | PDAA'16 | APDCM'16 | D2D'16
YR-SETTA'15 | CANDAR'15 | DICT'15 | SEKM'15 | APDCM'15 | HASE'15
PDAA'13 | CANDAR'13 | APDCM'13
PDAA'12 | ICNC'12 | FORDS'12 | APDCM'12
PDAA'11 | ICNC'11 | APDCM'11