- Name:Ping Yi
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Room 215, Building 1#
- Office Phone:86-21-34204881
- Email:yiping@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Wireless Network, Smart Grid, Sensor Network, Network Security,Deep Learning
Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Master of Science in Computer Science and technology, Tongji University, Shanghai,China
Work experience
My research interests are in two areas. One is security for wireless network, including intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc network and sensor network. Another is Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.
Awards and Honors
IEEE Sensor Member
Wireless Networks
Mobile Communication
[Journal paper]
1. Ping Yi, Ting Zhu, Bo Jiang, Ruofan Jin, Bing Wang, "Deploying Energy Routers in an Energy Internet Based on Electric Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.65, No.6, pp. 4714-4725, June, 2016
2. Ping Yi, Ting Zhu, Qingquan Zhang, Yue Wu, Li Pan, "Puppet attack: A denial of service attack in advanced metering infrastructure network", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.59, No.1, pp. 325–332, January, 2016
3. Ting Zhu, Qingquan Zhang, Sheng Xiao, Yu Gu, Ping Yi, Yanhua Li, " Big Data in Future Sensing", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015 (2015).
4. Ting Zhu, Sheng Xiao, Qingquan Zhang, Yu Gu, Ping Yi, and Yanhua Li, "Emergent Technologies in Big Data Sensing: A Survey", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015 (2015).
5. Yue Wu, Yimeng Zhao, Michel Riguidel, Guanghao Wang, Ping Yi, "Security and trust management in opportunistic networks: A survey", Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 1812–1827, June 2015
6. Futai Zou, Siyu Zhang, Weixiong Rao, and Ping Yi, "Detecting Malware Based on DNS Graph Mining", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015 (2015).
7. Ping Yi, Minjie Yu, Ziqiao Zhou, Wei Xu, Qingquan Zhang, and Ting Zhu, "A Three-Dimensional Wireless Indoor Localization System", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.2014, 2014
8. Zuying Wei, Tianrong Zhang, Fan Wu, Xiaofeng Gao, Guihai Chen, Ping Yi, "A truthful auction mechanism for channel allocation in multi-radio, multi-channel non-cooperative wireless networks", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.925-937, 2014
9. Wenchao Li, Ping Yi, Yue Wu, Li Pan, and Jianhua Li, "A New Intrusion Detection System Based on KNN Classification Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.2014, 2014
10. Ping Yi, Ting Zhu, Jianqing Ma, Yue Wu, “An Intrusion Prevention Mechanism in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol.17, No.3-4, 2013, pp.269-292
11. Chundong She, Ping Yi, Junfeng Wang, Hongshen Yang, “Intrusion Detection for Black Hole and Gray Hole in MANETs”, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 7, No. 7, 2013, pp.1721-1735
12. Ping Yi, Ting Zhu, Ning Liu, Yue Wu, Jianhua Li, “Cross-layer Detection for Black Hole Attack in Wireless Network”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.8, No.10, 2012, pp.4101-4109
13. Ping Yi, Yue Wu, Jialin Chen, “Towards an Artificial Immune Systems in Detection of Anomalies in Wireless MESH Networks”, China Communications, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2011,pp. 107-117
14. Xudong Wang, Ping Yi, “Security Framework for Wireless Communications in Smart Distribution Grid”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol.2, No.4, 2011, pp. 809-818
15. Ping Yi, Futai Zou, Yan Zou, Zhiyang Wang, “Performance Analysis of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks under Flooding Attacks”, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 22, No.2 , 2011, pp.334-339
16. Yue Wu, Ping Yi, Jianhua Li, “Security Issues and Solutions in Wireless Communications at Physical Layer”, China Communications, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2011,pp. 11-19
17. Ping Yi, Yue Wu, Ning Liu, Zhiyang Wang,“Intrusion Detection for Wireless Mesh Networks using Finite State Machine”, China Communications, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2010,pp. 40-48
18. Liu Ning, Chen Han, Li Jianhua, Yi Ping, “A novel photonic RF phase shifter based on polarization controller”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.52, No.11, November 2010, pp.2598-2600
19. Ping Yi, Yue Wu, Futai Zou, Ning Liu, “A Survey on Security in Wireless Mesh Networks” IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW, Vol. 27,No.1, Jan-Feb 2010, pp.6-14
20. Liu Ning, Yi Ping, Li Jianing, Li Jianhua, Wu Yue, “Outage Performance and Diversity Analysis for Multi-antenna Multi-relay Networks”, China Communications, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010,pp. 53-63
21. Ping Yi, Yongkai Zhou, Yue Wu, “Effects of DOS attack in mobile ad hoc networks”, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), Vol.14, No.5, 2009, pp.580-583
22. Ping Yi, Hongkai Xing, Yue Wu, Jianhua Li, “Security in Wireless Mesh Networks: Challenges and Solutions”, China Communications, Vol. 6, No. 7, 2009, pp.134–143
23. Ping Yi, Jiwen Cai, Yue Wu, Yuanxiang Li, “Impact of Two kinds of DoS Attacks on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.5, No.5, 2009, pp 1433-1443
24. Li Lin-Chun, Li Jianhua, Yi Ping, Pan Jun, “Loss-tolerant group key management scheme with revocation capability for wireless sensor network”, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), Vol.14, No.2, 2009, pp. 162-167
25. Ping Yi, Xinghao Jiang, Yue Wu, “Distributed Intrusion Detection for mobile ad hoc networks”, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2008, pp.851–859
26. Ping Yi, Xinghao Jiang, Jianhua Li, “Mobile firewall: A framework to isolate intruders in wireless mesh networks”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.3, No.6, 2007, pp 2207-2218