- Name:SUN TANFENG (孙锬锋)
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Information Cognition Lab
- Office Phone:86+021-3420-6657
- Email:tfsun@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:icl.sjtu.edu.cn
Research Field
Video Content Intellengence Analysis and Understanding; Video Forensics; Video Content Forgery Detection; Video Watermaking; Video Stagongraphy and Staganalysis.
1.Ph.D. degree, on Communication and Information System in Jilin University from 04/2000 to 12/2003, Jilin Province, China;
2.M.D. degree, on Mechatronics in Jilin University of Technology from 09/1997 to 04/2000, Jilin Province, China.
Work experience
1.Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 12/2012 to now, Shanghai, China;
2.Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Center in New Jersey Institute of Technology from 2012 to 2013, New Jersey, U.S.A..
3.Lecturer, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 11/2005 to 12/2012, Shanghai, China;
4.Post-Doctor, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 11/2003 to 11/2005, Shanghai, China.
1. Digital Forensics on Video Forgery Detection;
2. Digital Image and Video Watermarking;
3. Digital Video Steganography and Steganalysis;
4. Video’s Content Recognition and Understanding;
5. Face Spoofing Detection;
6. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Technology.
Awards and Honors
1.Communication Theory, (Undergraduate required course, 36 periods), of School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, form 2005 to now. in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;
2.Digital Image Processing, (degree required course, 54 periods, Graduate), of School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, form 2008 to now. in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;
1. Xu K, Jiang X, Sun T. Two-Stream Dictionary Learning Architecture for Action Recognition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, 2017, 27(3):567-576.
2. He P, Jiang X, Sun T, et al. Detection of double compression in MPEG-4 videos based on block artifact measurement[J]. Neurocomputing, 2017, 228(8): 84-96.
3. P. He, X. Jiang, T. Sun, S. Wang, Double Compression Detection Based on Local Motion Vector Field Analysis in Staticbackground Videos[J], Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, February 1, 2016, 35(2):55-66.
4. Xinghao Jiang, Tanfeng Sun, Yue Zhou, Wan Wang, Yunqing Shi, A Robust H.264/AVC Video Watermarking Scheme with Drift Compensation[J], The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014 (2014), 2014/02/04, 1-13.
5. X. H. Jiang, W. Wang, T.F. Sun*, Y. Q. Shi, and S. L. Wang, Detection of double compression in MPEG-4 videos based on Markov statistics, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.20(5), pp. 447-450, (2013/03/07). SCI Journal
6. Tanfeng Sun, Xinghao Jiang, Chengming Jiang, and Yaqing Li, A Video Content Classification Algorithm Applying to Human Action Recognition, ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol 19(4), pp.61-64, (2013). SCI Journal
7. Xinghao Jiang, Tanfeng Sun*, Jin Liu, Wensheng Zhang, Juan Chao, An Adaptive Video Shot Segmentation Scheme Based on Dual-detection Model, Neurocomputing, Vol.116, (09/20/2013), pp. 102-111. SCI Journal
8. Jiang, X.H., Sun, T.F.*, Fu, G..L., Multi-Scale Image Semantic Recognition with Hierarchical Visual Vocabulary. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol.8(3), (2011), pp.931-951. SCI Journal
9. Xinghao Jiang, Tanfeng Sun*, Shili Wang, A Novel Video Content Classification Algorithm Based on Combined Visual Features Model, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.52(1), (2011). pp 105-120. SCI Journal
10. Tanfeng Sun, Xinghao Jiang, Zhigao Lin, and Shilin Wang, An H.264/AVC Video Watermarking Scheme in VLC Domain for Content Authentication, China Communication. Vol.7, No.6, pp30-36, Dec, 2010. SCI Journal
1. He presides three National Nature Science Foundation of China projects, and takes part in over 7 national projects (NSFC and 863 project) and over 20 provincial projects in China.
2. He published over 80 papers on International Journals and International Conferences in the above domain since 2005.
3. He had 11 patents authorized 23 patents application and 3 software copyrights authorized of China.
4. He had practical experience in developing projects which are including the completion of new algorithms and software systems with C++, Matlab programming, CUDA programming and other development kits, e.g. OpenCV, x264, MMpeg, libsvm, CNN network and so on.
5. He had good experience in international co-operation projects development with NJIT in U.S.A.
6. He had fostered the undergraduate over 40 persons in 20 PRP Projects and graduation design projects, and directed M.D. students 50 persons and PH.D. students 10 persons.
7. He had good experience in composing teaching book as a participant.
8. He has been as a IEEE Senior Member in Signal Processing Society since 2010.