- Name:Wenjia Zhang
- Title:Asistant Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:021-34204316
- Email:wenjia.zhang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:cip.sjtu.edu.cn
Research Field
Short reach optical interconnects and networking, ultra-high density and programmable optical chip and subsystem for high performance computing systems
Bachelor in Telecommunications Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2003/09-2007/07
Co-cultivation Program,Columbia University, 2010/09-2012/02
PhD in Communication and Information System Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2007/09-2012/07
Work experience
Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2015/12-present
Senior Optical Engineer, Finsar Shanghai, Inc, 2014/06-2015/11
Visiting Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012/09-2012/12
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2012/08-2014/05
1.Research on wavelength reconfigurable optical interconnected high performance computing systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI.
2.Research on mode manipulation in multimode transmission, State Key Lab of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, PI.
3.Research on high density optical integration and system level optical switching, The National Key Research and Development Program of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, Co-PI.
Awards and Honors
2009 Best Student Paper Award of 7th International Conference of Optical Internet
ES218: Principle of communication and experiment
ES26043:Integrated Optoelectronics and optical interconnects
1. C. Liang, W. Zhang, L. Sun, Y. You, F. Yang, J. Du, and Z. He, “Experimental demonstration of 4x80-Gbit/s PAM-4 transmission over 8-km SSMF using Wiener filter”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, pp. 494-496, 2017.
2. L. Sun, J. Du, Y. You, C. Liang, W. Zhang, L. Ma, and Z. He, "45-Gbps 3D-CAP transmission over a 16-GHz bandwidth SSMF link assisted by Wiener filtering," Optics Communications, vol. 389, pp. 118-122, 2017.
3. J. Du, Y. Tao, Y. Liu, L. Ma, W. Zhang, and Z. He, "Highly sensitive and reconfigurable fiber optic current sensor by optical recirculating in a fiber loop," Optics Express, vol. 24, pp. 17980-17988, 2016/08/08 2016.
4. 徐晓, 马麟,张文甲,杜江兵,何祖源, “面向光印刷电路板的聚合物光波导制备及性能研究”光学学报,第36卷,第6期,2016年6月
5. W. Zhang, L. Zhang, B. Wang, Z. Zhu, J. Michel, S.J. Chua, L.S. Peh, “Ultralow Power Light-Emitting Diode Enabled On-Chip Optical Communication Designed in the III-Nitride and Silicon CMOS Process Integrated Platform”, Design & Test of Computers, IEEE. vol.31, issue 5, pp.36-45, 2014.
6. C. P. Lai, D. Brunina, B. W. Buckley, C. Ware, W. Zhang, A. S. Garg, B. Jalali, K. Bergman, "First Demonstration of a Cross-Layer Enabled Network Node," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (9) 1512-1525 (May 2013).
7. W. Zhang, H. Wang, K. Bergman, “Next-Generation Optically-Interconnected High-Performance Data Centres,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 30 (24) 3836-3844, Dec. 2012.
8. W. Zhang, L. Xu, Q. Li, H. L. R., Lira, M. Lipson, K. Bergman, “Broadband Silicon Photonic Packet-Switching Node for Large-Scale Computing Systems,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.24, no.8, pp.688-690, April 15, 2012.
9. L. Xu, W. Zhang, Q. Li, J. Chan, H. L. R. Lira, M. Lipson, K. Bergman, “40-Gb/s DPSK Data Transmission Through a Silicon Microring Switch,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (6) 473 - 475 (Mar. 2012).
10. L. Xu, W. Zhang, H. L. R. Lira, M. Lipson, K. Bergman, “A hybrid optical packet and wavelength selective switching platform for high-performance data center networks,” Optics Express 19 (24) 24258-24267 (Nov 2011).
11. J. Wu, X. Hong, H. Guo, W. Zhang, L. Liu, T. Tsuritani, T. Otani, M. Suzuki, J. Lin, “Integrated LOBS/GMPLS Network Testbed”, China Communications, vol.7, issue 3, pp.11-23, July 2010.