- Name:Chen, Sijie
- Title:Assistant Professor
- Office:SEIEE Bldg 1-332
- Office Phone:
- Email:chensj05 AT gmail.com
- Website:
Research Field
Energy blockchain; Demand response; Transactive energy system; Electricity market; Power system optimization;
2009-2014, Ph.D., Tsinghua University
2005-2009, B.Eng., Tsinghua University
Work experience
10/2016 - present, Assistant Professor, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
08/2014-09/2016, Assistant Research Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University
PI of SJTU part, Research on the smart grid soft connection mechanism and model considering the development of global energy internet, sponsored by State Grid Corporation of China, 2017-2018,¥700,000
PI, Operation mechanism, platform, and strategy for a distribution system with high penetration of distributed generators and intelligent loads, sponsored by Shanghai Pujiang Program, 2017-2019,¥200,000
PI, Transaction modeling and technique for a distribution system with high penetration of distributed generators and intelligent loads, sponsored by State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipment, 2017-2019,¥50,000
PI, Transactive distribution power system operation: mechanism, model, and method, sponsored by NSFC, 2018-2020, ¥250,000
PI, Blockchain-based distributed autonomous operation technique for a distribution power system, sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology, 2019-2019, ¥450,000
Awards and Honors
Tsinghua University Outstanding Graduates Award (~10%)
Recipient of Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program
Recipient of Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology
Power system economics
Journal papers (in English)
First author or corresponding author
[1] Sijie Chen, Chen-Ching Liu. From demand response to transactive energy: state of the art, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy [J], 2017, 5(1): 10-19.
[2] Sijie Chen, Qixin Chen, Yin Xu. Strategic bidding and compensation mechanism for a load aggregator with direct thermostat control capabilities, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [J], accepted.
[3] Sijie Chen, H. Alan Love, Chen-Ching Liu. Optimal opt-in residential time-of-use contract based on principal-agent theory, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [J], 2016, 31(6): 4415-4426.
[4] Sijie Chen, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Chen-Ching Liu, Chongqing Kang. Transmission capacity margin in market clearing, Electric Power Systems Research [J], 2017, 143: 682-691.
[5] Sijie Chen, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Haiwang Zhong, Chongqing Kang. N−1 security assessment approach based on the steady-state security distance, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution [J], 2015, 9(15): 2419–2426.
[6] Sijie Chen, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Chongqing Kang. Steady-state security assessment method based on distance to security region boundaries, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution [J], 2013, 7(3): 288-297.
[7] Xinyi Le, Sijie Chen, Zheng Yan, Juntong Xi, A neurodynamic approach to distributed optimization with globally coupled constraints, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics [J], accepted.
[8] Sijie Chen, Jian Ping, Xinyi Le, Zheng Yan, Xiaoyuan Xu, Liangzhong Yao, Juntong Xi. Forming Bidding Curves for a Distribution System Operator, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [J], accepted.
[1] Yazhou Jiang, Sijie Chen, Chen-Ching Liu, et al. Blackstart capability planning for power system restoration. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems [J], 2017, 86: 127-137.
[2] Xiangrui Kong, Xiaoyuan Xu, Zheng Yan, Sijie Chen, Huoming Yang, Dong Han, Deep learning hybrid method for islanding detection in distributed generation, Applied Energy [J], accepted.
[3] Yiyan Li, Xiaoyuan Xu, Sijie Chen, Zheng Yan, Determine the reliable generating capacity of power systems with high HVDC penetration considering both stability and ancillary service requirements, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution [J], accepted.
[4] Xiaoyuan Xu, Zheng Yan, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Han Wang, Sijie Chen, Power system voltage stability evaluation considering renewable energy with correlated variabilities, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [J], accepted.
Journal papers (in Chinese)
[1] 陈思捷, 陈启鑫, 夏清. 静态安全距离: 概念, 模型和意义. 中国电机工程学报 [J], 2015, 35(3): 600-608.
[2] 平健, 陈思捷, 张宁, 严正, 姚良忠. 基于智能合约的配电网去中心化交易机制. 中国电机工程学报 [J], 2017, 37(13), 3682–3690.
[3] 陈启鑫, 王克道, 陈思捷, 夏清. 面向分布式主体的可交易能源系统:体系架构、机制设计与关键技术. 电力系统自动化 [J], 2018, 42, 1-7.
Conference papers
[1] Sijie Chen, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Chongqing Kang, Ming Jing, and Qiang Ma. Active boundary identifying technique for steady-state security distance assessment. IEEE Power Energy Soc Gen Meet. [C]. 2013: 1-5.
[2] Adam Hahn, Sijie Chen, Rajveer Singh, Chen-Ching Liu. Smart contract-based campus demonstration of decentralized transactive energy auctions. The Eighth Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies [C]. Arlington, VA: 2017: 1–5.
[3] Xinyi Le, Sijie Chen, Yu Zheng, Juntong Xi. A multiple-objective neurodynamic optimization to electric load management under demand-response program. 14th International Symposium on Neural Networks [C]. Sapporo, Japan: 2017: 1–10.
[4] Chenyang Huang, Sijie Chen, Zheng Yan. Electricity Trading in Global Energy Internet. IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration [C], 2017, pp. 1–5.