- Name:Xie Da
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:1-129
- Office Phone:62932367/34204298
- Email:xieda@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Power transmission and distribution of smart grid, Microgrid management, Grid-connected techniques of new energy
Ph.D., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1999
M.S., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1996
B.S., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1991
Work experience
Aug. 1999-Present: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Aug. 1991-July 1993: Harbin Electric Power Bureau
Practical Application of EV Charge-Discharge-Storage Integration station
Research of the Shaft Torsional Vibration, Equivalence and Damping Control of Wind Farm
Development of the Efficient Three-Level Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter
Overall Planning and Dispatching of Island Military Microgrid
Parallel-Connected Solar Photovoltaic System with Ultra Low Voltage Converter
Research of Superconducting Energy Storage Technology
Awards and Honors
[1] Second Class Award of Education Ministry Science and Technology Committee, 2006
[2] First Class Award of Xuchang Science and Technology Committee, 2009
[3] Third Class Award of Henan Science and Technology Committee, 2009
[4] Third Class Award of Prominent Teacher in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009
[5] Second Class Award of candlelight in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010
Principle of Power System Automatic Device (Undergraduate course)
Automation of Electric Power Systems (Undergraduate course)
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System (Undergraduate course)
Modern Power System Analysis (Graduate course)
Mathematics Application in Power System (Graduate course)
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Technology (Graduate course)
The Fieldbus Technology Application in Power System (Graduate course)
Electrical Engineering Experiment of PhD (Graduate course)
Selected Publications
[1] Jinxia Gong, Da Xie, Chuanwen Jiang, Yanchi Zhang. Multiple Objective Compromised Method for PowerManagement in Virtual Power Plants[J]. Energies 2011, 4(4), 700-716.
[2] Research on Smart Grid in China. Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition:Asia and Pacific,T and D Asia 2009.
[3] JI Fei-feng, Mansoor, XIE Da, CHEN Chen. Study on Combined Compensation Structure of an Active Power Filter and a DC-bias Magnetic Var Compensator[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE,2006,(18):77-83.
[4] LIU Yulei, XIE Da, ZHANG Yanchi. Simulation of Static Var Compensator to Restrain the Voltage Fluctuation of Electric Auxiliary System [J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2006,(16):97-101.
[5] WU Fei, XIE Da, ZHANG Yanchi. Research on compensative characteristics of active power filter [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment,2007,(01):36-39.
[6] XIANG Zhen, XIE Da, GONG Jinxia, ZHANG Yanchi. Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of STATCOM for Reactive Compensation in Wind Farm[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems,2008,(09):92-95.
[7] XIE Da, GONG Jin-xia, XU Jinsong, ZHANG Yanchi. A new Var optimal compensation strategy based on data mining and ant colony algorithm[J]. Power System Protection and Control,2009,(10):19-26.
[8] XIE Da, XIE Lei, ZHNAG Yanchi, AI Qian, YU Jinshou. Common criteria algorithm with the optimal vector for three-level inverter based on direct power improved control [J]. Electric Machines and Control,2009,(05):660-666.
[9] GONG Jinxia, XIE Da, ZHNAG Yanchi. Principle and Performance of the Three-Phase Digital Phase-Locked Loop[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2009,(10):94-99.
[10] XIE Da, HE Heng-jing, CHANG Xiqiang, YAO Xiuping. An Approach to Design Power System Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme Taking Coherent Area and Global Optimization Into Account[J]. Power System Technology, 2010,(06):106-112.
[11] XIE Da, QIAO Xinhui, ZHANG Yanchi. Harmonic elimination and voltage stabilization of Z-source converter[J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2011,(07):21-26.
[12] Xie Da, Wang Ruilin, Wang Xitian, Zhang Yanchi. MODELS AND PRINCIPLES OF KINDS OF WIND TURBINE FOR TORSIONAL VIBRATION STUDIES[J]. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica,2011,(09):1281-1287.
[13] MA Chunming,XIE Da,YU Zhiwen,et al. Voltage control strategy of SVG[J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(3):96-107.
[14] FENG Junqi;XIE Da;JIA Yujian,et al. Dispatch Parameters Analysis of Charging/Discharging and Storage Integrated Station for Electric Vehicles[J]. Power System Technology,2013,37(12):3325-3330.
[15] XIE Da,FENG Junqi,LOU Yucheng,et al.Small-signal Modelling and Modal Analysis of DFIG-based Wind Turbine Based on Three-mass Shaft Model[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2013,(33):21-29.
[16] Yang M X, Xie D, Jia Y J, et al. Periodic Control of General Energy Flowing in Charging-Discharging-Storage Integrated Station[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 860: 1110-1119.
[17] Lou Y C, Xie D, Feng J Q, et al. Control Strategy of the Charging-Discharging-Storage Integrated Station on Reactive Power/Voltage of Power System[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 860: 1120-1128.
[18] Jia Y J, Xie D, Fang X Y, et al. Three-Stage Precise Converter in EV Charging-Discharging-Storage Integration Station[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 805: 1650-1658.
[19] Fang X, Xie D, Yu Z, et al. EV battery charger that uses Z-source AC/AC converter[C]//Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2012 7th International. IEEE, 2012, 4: 2673-2677.
[20] Zhang Y, Xie D, Feng J, et al. Small-signal Modeling and Modal Analysis of Wind Turbine Based on Three-mass Shaft Model[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014, 42(7): 693-702.
[1] Guancheng Yang, Da Xie. Principle of Power System Automatic Device(the third edition), China Electric Power Press,2005.
[2] Guancheng Yang, Da Xie. Principle of Power System Automatic Device(the fourth edition), China Electric Power Press,2007.