- Name:Li Zhe
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:34206881
- Email:zhe_li@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
His interest is dielectric properties of polymer nano-composite , electrical engineering, electrical insulation and smart grid technology
2008.3-2009.10 IPS Graduate School, Waseda University, Japan, Post Doctor
2003.9-2007.12 Dept. of electrical engineering, School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, D.E.
2000.8-2003.8 School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, Teacher
1996.9-2000.7 High voltage and insulation technology, Dept. of electrical engineering, School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, B.E.
Work experience
2012.12 School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, Associate Professor
2009.11-2010.10 the government of Zhouzhuang, Kunshan, Jiangsu province, vice-secretary
2008.3-2009.10 IPS Graduate School, Waseda University, Japan, visiting lectuer
2008.1- 2012.10 School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, lectuer
2000.8-2003.8 School of electric and electronic engineering, Shanghai Jiao tong University, faculty
National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 51007057)
National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 50877047)
National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 50677037)
Japanese Intellectual Cluster Projects Phase Ⅱ Project No. 23 “Development of High Density Structured PCB with High Performance by Nanocomposite Technology”
Awards and Honors
Series excellent student in period of bachelor, master and doctor
electrical detecting technology
[1] Zhe Li, Gehao Sheng and Xiucheng Jiang and Toshikatsu Tanaka Effects of Inorganic Fillers on Withstanding Short Time Breakdown and Long Time Electrical Aging of Epoxy Composites, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol 12, No. S2, 17000837, Dec 2017.
[2] Weikang Cao, Zhe Li, Gehao Sheng and Xiucheng Jiang Insulating Property of Polypropylene Nanocomposites Filled with Nano-MgO of Different Concentration, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, in published.
[3] Zhe Li, Weikang Cao, Gehao Sheng, Xiuchen Jiang and Michael G. Danikas Experimental Study on Space Charge and Electrical Strength of MgO Nano-Particles/Polypropylene Composite, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, Vol.23, Issue 3, pp. 1812-1819.
[4] Zhe Li, Kenji Okamoto, Yoshimichi Ohki and Toshikatsu Tanaka Effects of Nano-Filler Addition on Partial Discharge Resistance and Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Micro-Al2O3/Epoxy Composite IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 653-661, June 2010.
[5] Zhe Li,Kenji Okamoto, Yoshimichi Ohki and Toshikatsu Tanaka The role of nano and micro particles on partial discharge and breakdown strength in epoxy composites IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 675-681, June 2011.
[6] Zhe Li Yi Yin Xiaobing Dong Xuguang Li and Dengming Xiao The Effect of Electrical Stressing History on Slow Polarization Behavior in the Composite of Low-density Polyethylene/ Nano-SiOx Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2008 Vol. 46, No. 9A: : 5908 – 5910
[7] Yi Yin, Zhe Li*, Xuguang Li and Pingkai Jiang Thermally Stimulated Currents of SiO2/Low-density Polyethylene Micro and Nanocomposites IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol 5, Issue 4, pp: 385-390, July 2010.
[8] X Huang,Z Ma,Y Wang,P Jiang,Y Yin,Zhe Li, Polyethylene/Aluminum Nanocomposites: Improvement of Dielectric Strength by Nanoparticle Surface Modification, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113(6):3577 – 3584, September 2009.
[9] Jiong Chen Yi Yin Zhe Li and Dengming Xiao Electrical prestressing of high-electric-field conduction in composite of low-density polyethylene/nano-SiOx Japanese Journal of Applied Physics February, 2005, Vol 44(2): 940-947
[10] Youchen Wang, Jiandong Wu, Zhe Li, Yi Yin Research on a practical de-noising method and the characterization of partial discharge UHF signals, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 21, Issue4, pp. 2206-2216, Oct. 2014.
[11] Li Lan, Jiandong Wu, Yi Yin, Xuguang Li, Zhe Li Effect of temperature on space charge trapping and conduction in cross-linked polyethylene, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 21, Issue4, pp. 1784 - 1791-2216, Aug. 2014.
[12] Zhe Li, Kenji Okamoto, Yoshimichi Ohki and Toshikatsu Tanaka Effects of Nano- and Micro-Al2O3 Fillers on Partial Discharge Resistance and Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Epoxy Resins Proc. IEEJ ED/DEI/HV Joint study Meeting (Jan. 29-30, Kyushu University), No. ED-09-5/DEI-09-30/HV-09-5, pp. 25-30 2009
[13] Zhe Li, Kenji Okamoto, Yoshimichi Ohki and Toshikatsu Tanaka The Role of Nano and Micro Particles on dielectrical strengths in Epoxy Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP2011), 7A-10, Oct,2011.
[14] Wang Qi, Li Zhe*, Wu Jiandong and Yin Yi The thermal conductivity and electrical strength of epoxy resin with different filler content of micro and nano alumina The 3nd Conference of Conditions monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) 2012.Bali, Indonesia.
[15] Zhe Li, Kenji Okamoto, Yoshimichi Ohki and Toshikatsu Tanaka Role of Nano-Filler on Partial Discharge Resistance and Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Micro-Al2O3 / Epoxy Composites The 9thInternational Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials 2009 (Jul. 19-23, Harbin, China) pp753-756
[16] Zhe Li Yi Yin Xiaobing Dong and Dengming Xiao The Slow Polarization Phenomena of Interfaces between Particles of Micro-SiO2 or Nano-SiOx and Low-density Polyethylene 2005 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena 2005 USA 191-194
[17] Zhe Li Yi Yin Xiaobing Dong and Dengming Xiao The Effect of Electrical field on the Slow Polarization of Nano-SiOx and Low-density Polyethylene Composite 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Toronto, Canada
[18] Zhe Li Yi Yin and Xiaobing Dong The Effect of Electrical Stressing History on the Slow Polarization of Nano-SiOx and Low-density Polyethylene Composite 2006 8th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials 2006 Bali, Indonesia Vol.1, pp903-908
[19] 李喆 ,龚瑾,操卫康,盛戈皞,江秀臣,聚丙烯绝缘材料电导特性与空间电荷研究,高电压技术,2015,41(5):1451-1457。
[20] 操卫康,李喆(*),龚瑾,盛戈皞,江秀臣,纳米颗粒填充浓度和表面处理对MgO/ PP空间电荷行为的影响,高电压技术,2015,41(5):1495-1504。
[21] 龚瑾,李喆*,刘新月 氧化铝/环氧树脂复合材料空间电荷特性与高温高湿环境下交流电场老化,电工技术学报,2016,31(18):191-198。
[22] 王旗,李喆* ,尹毅,微、纳米无机颗粒/环氧树脂复合材料击穿强度性能的研究, 电工技术学报,2014年12月,29卷12期,pp:230-235
[23] 王旗,李喆* ,尹毅,吴建东,微/纳米氧化铝/环氧树脂复合材料抑制电树枝生长能力的研究, 电工技术学报,2015年3月,30卷6期,pp:255-260
[24] 王旗,李喆*,尹毅,吴建东,微/纳米氧化铝/环氧树脂复合材料热导率和击穿强度的研究,绝缘材料,2013,46(2):49-52。
[25] 陈炯 李喆 尹毅 肖登明 脉宽和幅值可调的新型窄脉冲发生器的研制 高压电器, 2005, 31(5):39-40, 49
[26] 李喆 尹毅 肖登明 自由基清除剂对电老化聚乙烯中空间电荷的影响 (EI收录号05038797939) 高压电器 2004 40(6):417
[27] 李喆 贾贤 尹毅 10kV及以下电缆附件的数值计算和应力锥优化辅助设计 高压电器 2006 42(5): 379-381