- Name:Fang Tao
- Title:Professor
- Office:2-435
- Office Phone:34204819
- Email:tfang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:www.sensingworld.sjtu.edu.cn
Research Field
Image Processing, pattern recognition, Computer vision
1984.7-1991.7 Department of Geology, Institute of Mining and Technology,Xian,China;BS and MS degrees
1993.9-1996.7 Department of Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,China;Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
Work experience
2004.9-present ,Department of Automation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Professor
2001.1-2004.8 Department of Automation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Assistant Professor
1999.1-2000.12 HDTV Laboratory, Department of Electronic Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu, China,Assistant Professor,Postdoctoral Research Fellow
1996.7-1999.12 State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University,WuHan, China,Postdoctoral Research Fellow
1991.7-1993.8 Shaanxi CoalField Geology Bureau Geophysical Prospecting,Entity
Awards and Honors
Shanghai Shuguang Scholar
Artificial Neural Network and its Application
[1] Xi Chen, Tao Fang, Hong Huo and Deren Li,Graph-Based Feature Selection for Object-Oriented Classification in VHR Airborne Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 1,pp.353-365, 2011
[2]Lei Zhen, Fang, Tao and Deren Li,Land Cover Classification for Remote Sensing Imagery Using Conditional Texton Forest with Historical Land Cover Map, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,Vol.8, No.4, pp.720-724, 2011
[3] Jianjun Qing, Hong Huo, Tao Fang, Pattern Classification Based on k Locally Constrained Line,Soft Computing, Vol.15, No.4, pp.703-712, 2011
[4] Nan Li, Hong Huo, and Tao Fang, A Novel Texture-Preceded Segmentation Algorithm for High Resolution Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 48, no. 7, pp.2818-2828,2010
[5] Sheng Xu, Tao Fang, Deren Li, Shiwei Wang, Object Classification of Aerial Image with Bag-of-Visual-Words, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,Vol.7,No.2, pp.366-370,2010
[6] Xi Chen, Tao Fang, Hong Huo and Deren Li,Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Unbalanced Sample Sets of VHR Images,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.7,No.4,pp.781-785,2010
[7] Zhengwu Yang,and Tao Fang,On the accuracy of image normalization by Zernike moments, Image and Vision Computing, Vol.28,Issue 3,pp.403-413,2010
[8] Jianjun Qing, Hong Huo and Tao Fang, Supervised land cover classification based on locally reduced convex hull, International Journal of Remote Sensing,Vol. 31, No. 8, 20, pp.2179–2187, 2010
[9] Zhiqiang Li , Tao Fang and Hong Huo, A saliency model based on wavelet transform and visual attention, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, Vol. 53 No. 4: 738–751,2010
[10] Zhiqiang Li,Tao Fang and Hong Huo, Color conspicuity map based on wavelet low-pass pyramid for popping out shapes of salient objects, Optical Engineering Letters,Vol.49,No.5,2010
[11] Jianjun Qing, Hong Huo, Tao Fang, Supervised Classification of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on the Nearest Reduced Convex Hull Approach, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, 033551,pp.1-18, 2009
[12] Hong Tang, Tao Fang, Pei-Jun Du, Peng-Fei Shi, Intra-dimensional feature diagnosticity in the Fuzzy Feature Contrast Model,Image and Vision Computing, Vol.26, Issue 6, pp. 751-760,2008
[13] Hong Tang, Tao Fang, Peng-Fei Shi, Nonlinear discriminant mapping using the Laplacian of a graph, Pattern Recognition, Vol.39, Issue 1, pp.156-159,2006
[14] Hong Tang, Tao Fang, Peng-Fei Shi, Laplacian linear discriminant analysis, Pattern Recognition, Vol.39, Issue 1, pp.136-139,2006
[15] Hong Tang, Tao Fang, Pengfei Shi, Spectral similarity measure based on fuzzy feature contrast model, Optics Communications, Vol. 238, Issues 1-3, pp.123-137, 2004