- Name:Long Chengnian
- Title:Professor
- Office:2-515
- Office Phone:34204279
- Email:longcn@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Security Estimation and Control in Cyber-Physical Systems; Mobile Internet of Things; MIMO Wireless Systems
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, China 2001-2004
Work experience
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor, 2011.1-
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor, 2009.1-2010.12
University of Alberta, Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007.1-2008.12
Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2006.1-2006.12
My research interests lie in the broad areas of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), including security estimation and control in CPS, Mobile Internet of Things, and MIMO Wireless Systems. In particular, my recent and current research efforts focus on the following fronts of research topics.
First, many current critical infrastructures such as power grids, transportation systems, and medicine systems is emerging with the tight integration of physical processes and cyber world. Due to the crucial role of cyber-physical systems in everyday life, cyber-physical security needs to be promptly addressed. Particularly, we are interested in the security estimation and control of power grids.
Second, I am interested in open problems in Mobile Internet of Things, including smart camera networks, crowdsourcing and mobile computing, particularly application-layer solutions for industrial surveillance systems and mobile sensing with smartphones.
Third, I am interested in open problems in MIMO Wireless Systems, including IEEE 802.11n/ac and 4G/5G Cellular networks. A long-term view is to develop basic theory and application prototype system for underpinning green communication.
Awards and Honors
New Century Excellent Talents, Ministry of Education, 2011
SMC Excellent Young Staff (B), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010
Pujiang Scholar, The Commission of Science and Technology of Shanghai Municipal,2009
Killam Postdoctral Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2007-2008
The First Prize of University Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education,China, 2007
Undergraduate Course: Digital Programmable Control Systems
Dr. Long has published 50s papers in International Journals or conferences. The recent publication list is as follows:
1.Yongsen Ma, Xiaofeng Mao, Pengyuan Du, Chengnian Long and Bo Li, “Dynamic Estimation of Local Mean Power in GSM-R Networks,” ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 289–302, 2014.
2.Qiang Wang, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long and Bo Li, “P-FAD: Real-Time Face Detection Scheme on Embedded Smart Cameras,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 210-222, 2013. (Corresponding Author)
3.Meiqin Tang, Chengnian Long, Xinping Guan and Xinjiang Wei, “Non-Convex Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio Networks via Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Annealing,” Computer Networks, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2690-2699, July 2012.
4.Chengnian Long, Qun Chi, Xinping Guan and Tongwen Chen, “Joint Random Access and Power Control Game in Ad Hoc Networks with Non-Cooperative Users,” Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 142-151, March 2011. (Correspondence Author)
5.Meiqin Tang, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “Non-convex Maximization for Communication Systems Based on Particle Swarm Optimization,” Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 841-847, May 2010.
6.Meiqin Tang, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “Non-Convex Optimization for Power Control in Wireless CDMA Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 851-865, June 2011.
7.Bo Yang, Gang Feng, Yanyan Shen, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “Channel Aware Access for Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3726-3737, Sept. 2009.
8.Li Yang, Xinping Guan, Chengnian Long and Xiaoyuan Luo, “Analysis and Design of Wireless Networked Control System Utilizing Adaptive Coded Modulation,” Acta Automatica Sinica, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 911-918, July 2009.
9.Chengnian Long, Bo Li, Qian Zhang, Bin Zhao, Bo Yang and Xinping Guan, “The End-To-End Rate Control in Multiple-Hop Wireless Networks: Cross-Layer Formulation and Optimal Allocation,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Communication and Control, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 719-731, May 2008. (Correspondence Author)
10.Bo Yang, Yanyan Shen, Gang Feng, Chengnian Long, Zhongping Jiang and Xinping Guan, “Distributed Power Control and Random Access for Spectrum Sharing with QoS Constraint,” Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 31, no. 17, pp. 4089-4097, Nov. 2008.
11.Xinping Guan, Bo Yang, Gang Feng and Chengnian Long, “Random Access Game in Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative and Non-cooperative Users,” International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13-30, 2008. (invited)
12.Li Yang, Xinping Guan, Chengnian Long and Xiaoyuan Luo, “Feedback Stabilization over Wireless Network Using Adaptive Coded Modulation,” International Journal of Automation and Computing, vol.5, no. 4, pp. 381-388, 2008.
13.Meiqin Tang, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “An Optimal Spectrum Balancing Algorithm for Digital Subscriber Lines Based on Particle Swarm Optimization,” Int. J. Communication Systems, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 971-985, Sept. 2008. (Correspondence Author)
14.Dan Peng, Xinping Guan and Chengnian Long, “Robust Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control for 2-D Uncertain State-Delayed Systems,” Asian Journal of Control, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 470-474, Dec. 2007.
15.Chengnian Long, Qian Zhang, Bo Li, Huilong Yang and Xinping Guan, “Non-Cooperative Power Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks With Repeated Games,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1101-1112, Aug. 2007. (Correspondence Author)
16.Jun Yang, Shiyong Li, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “Convergence and Stability of The Newton-Like Algorithm with Estimation Error in Optimization Flow Control,” Journal of Systems Engineering, and Electronics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 591-597, 2007.
17.Xinping Guan, Shuangfeng Dai and Chengnian Long, “Controller Design for Networked Control System with Data Packet Dropout and Transmission Delays,” Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 227-232, 2007. (Correspondence Author)
18.Bo Yang, Gang Feng, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “Maximum Lifetime Rate Control and Random Access in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,” Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 29, no. 18, pp. 3844-3855, Nov. 2006.
19.Changchun Hua, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “New Results on Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays,” Physics Letters A (Elsevier), vol. 352, no. 4, pp. 335-340, April 2006.
20.Xinping Guan, Bo Yang, Chengnian Long and Dahai Zhang, “Performance Guarantee and Stability Analysis of A Rate-Based Flow Control Algorithm,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 369-375, 2005.
21.Xinping Guan, Bo Yang, Chengnian Long and Zhixin Liu, “Congestion Control Based on Optimal Problem for Long Range Dependence Network,” Journal of High Speed Networks, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 215-226, 2005.
22.Chengnian Long, Bin Zhao, Xinping Guan and Jun Yang, “The YELLOW Active Queue Management Algorithm,” Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 525-550, March 2005. (Correspondence Author)
23.Chengnian Long, Bin Zhao and Xinping Guan, “SAVQ: Stabilized Adaptive Virtual Queue Management Algorithm,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 78-80, Jan. 2005. (Correspondence Author)
24.Zhixin Liu, Chengnian Long and Xinping Guan, “A Congestion Control Method: Improved ERICA Algorithm Based on Available Bandwidth Prediction Using Neural Networks,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 151-154, 2005.
25.Zhixin Liu, Xinping Guan and Chengnian Long, “Design of ATM Networks Congestion Controller Based on the Virtual Queue,” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 48-52, 2004.
26.Chengnian Long, Jing Wu and Xinping Guan, “Local Stability of REM Algorithm with Time-Varying Delays,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 142-144, 2003.
27.Xinping Guan, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long and Peng Shi, “Resilient Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Discrete Linear Jump Systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 283-292, 2003.
28.Xinping Guan, Cailian Chen, Chengnian Long and etc, “Robust Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Discrete Time Delay System via Dynamic Output Feedback,” Control Theory and Application, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 199-204, 2003.
29.Xiaoyuan Luo, Xinping Guan, Chengnian Long and Guangren Duan, “Robust H∞ Control with Exponent Stability for Time-Delay Uncertain Systems,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 27-33, 2002.
30.Xinping Guan, Chengnian Long and Guangren Duan, “Robust optimal guaranteed cost control for 2-D discrete systems,” IEE Proceeding-Control Theory and Applications,vol. 148, no. 5, pp. 355-361, SEP 2001.
31.Chensheng Liu, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “Joint Charging and Routing Optimization of Electric Vehicle Navigation Systems,” in IFAC 2014, South Africa. (Corresponding Author)
32.Limin Shao, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “Reliability-Aware Energy Scheduling for Micro-Grids,” in IFAC 2014, South Africa. (Corresponding Author)
33.Zhenzhe Sun, Chengnian Long and Mary Ann Weitnauer ,“Percentile-Based Contention Window Design for Random Access MIMO Interference Networks,” ICC'14 - Workshop on Massive Uncoordinated Access Protocols, Sydney, Australia, June 2014. (Corresponding Author)
34.Yi Pan, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “MLCS: Face-to-Face Mobile-LCD Communication System Based on Visible Light Communication,” in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. (Corresponding Author)
35.Qiang Wang, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “On-line Configuration of Large Scale Surveillance Networks Using Mobile Smart Camera,” in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Camera (ICDSC), Palm Springs, California, USA, Oct. 2013. (Corresponding Author)
36.Yanyun Guo, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “Agent-Based Multi-Time-Scale Plug Load Energy Management in Commercial Building,” ICCA 2013, Hangzhou, China. (Corresponding Author)
37.Qiang Wang, Pu Zhou, Jing Wu and Chengnian Long, “RaFFD: Resource-Aware Fast Foreground Detection in Embedded Smart Cameras,” in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, USA, Dec. 2012. (Corresponding Author)
38.Qiang Wang, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long and Bo Li, “P-FAD: Real-Time Face Detection Scheme on Embedded Smart Cameras,” in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Camera (ICDSC), Hongkong, Oct. 2012. (Corresponding Author)
39.Yongsen Ma, Pengyuan Du, Xiaofeng Mao and Chengnian Long, “On-line and Dynamic Estimation of Rician Fading Channels in GSM-R Networks,” in WCSP’12, Huangshan, China, October 2012. (Corresponding Author)
40.Pengyuan Du, Lujin Luo, Yongsen Ma and Chengnian Long, “A Dual-Antenna Based Handover Scheme for GSM-R Network,” in WCSP’12, Huangshan, China, October 2012. (Corresponding Author)
41.Pu Zhou, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long and Bo Li, “Probability-Based Optimal Coverage of PTZ Camera Networks,” IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012. (Correspondence Author)
42.Yaoyu Yang, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long and Bo Li, “Online Market Clearing in Dynamic Spectrum Auction,” IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, USA, Dec. 2011. (Correspondence Author)
43.Bochao Shen, Chengnian Long, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan and Qian Zhang, “Dynamic Spectrum Auction Based on Coexistent Matrix,” International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, 2011. (Correspondence Author)