- Name:Qiao Shutong
- Title:Lecturer
- Office:4-314
- Office Phone:34204436
- Email:qiao_shu_tong@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Large capacity power conversion and application include multiple converter, multilevel converter, and motor drives.
Ph.D. degree in Power Electronics and Power Drives, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009.
M.S. degree in Power Electronics and Power Drives, China University of Mining and Technology, 2004.
B.E. degree in Automation, China University of Mining and Technology, 2001.
Work experience
2009-Present, Lecturer of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
“Development and application of a new type of high voltage field control turn off thyristor device”, Collaborator, 2014-2016.
“Research on key technology of super large capacity power electronic conversion equipment and its application in engineering demonstration”, Collaborator, 2012-2014.
Awards and Honors
The second prize in The 1st National Electro-technics Course in Colleges and Universities Young teacher Teaching Competition, China, 2015.
The first prize for Science and Technology Progress, Ministry of Education, China, 2012.
The second prize for Science and Technology Progress, Ministry of Education, China, 2010.
Circuit Theory (Undergraduate course), 2009-present
Electrical and Electronic Technology (Undergraduate course), 2010-present.
Comprehensive Experiment of Power Drive Speed Control(Graduate course),2015-present.
Junjie Li, Jianguo Jiang and shutong qiao, “A Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for Five-Level Nested Neutral Point Piloted Converter”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, V32, N8, pp.5991-6004.
Jiang Jianguo, Qiao Shutong and Gao Dengke. “Application of power electronic equipments in power system”, Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems,2014,V38,N3,pp.2-6+18.