- Name:Zhang Dongmo
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:3-533
- Office Phone:34205423
- Email:zhang-dm@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
1) Natural language processing.
2) Information retrieval and extraction
3) Multilingual text generation.
1990-1993: Master of Engineering, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Northeast University
1980-1984: Bachelor of Engineering, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Northeast University
Work experience
1996-now: Associate Professor, Adviser of MS. D in Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1984-1996: Lecture of Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Shenyang Institute of Technology
Awards and Honors
1. Compiler principle
2. Compiler Principles and Practice
1. Zhang Dongmo, Yao Tianfang, Wang Qian. . Design and Implementation of Sentence Planner. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University vol.32 No.10. p105-109
2. Zhang Dongmo, Li Jinqian, Yao Tianfang, A method of sentence structure optimizing for Chinese text generation, Computer Engineering,vol.24,No.7. p 14--16
3. Zhang Dongmo, Ge Yong, Yao Tianfang. Language model for multilingual natural language generation. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University vol.34 No.7. P944-947 EIP01015502374
4. Zhang Dongmo, Ge Yong, Yao Tianfang. The pre-mapping sentence planner in multilingual natural language generation system. Journal of computer research & development,Vol.38,No.4,p467-474
5. Tianfang Yao, Dongmo Zhang, Qian Wang. MLWFA: A Multilingual Weather Forecast Text Generation System. In Proc. of 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2000): Tutorial Abstracts and Demonstration Notes. Hong Kong, China, Oct., 2000, 13~14
6. Tianfang Yao, Dongmo Zhang, Jinqian Li. A Method of Knowledge Representation for Chinese Weather Forecast Generation. In Proc. of International Conference on Chinese Information Proceeding '98, Beijing, China, Nov. 1998.
7. Tianfang Yao, Dongmo Zhang, Qian Wang. Multilingual Weather Forecast Generation System. In Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation. Ontario Canada, August 1998.