- Name:Zhang Tongzhen
- Title:Lecturer
- Office:3-524
- Office Phone:34204226
- Email:zhang-tz@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Personalized and Collaborative Learning in e-learning
Multimedia Information retrieval
Machine Learning
Ph.D. in Computer Science (2010) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) P.R. China
M.S. in Computer Science (1995) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) P.R. China
B.S. in Computer Science (1987) HeFei University of Technology P.R. China
Work experience
1999-current, the department of computer science and engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, Shanghai, China.
Awards and Honors
1. 1st rank Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Teaching Achievement, 1999 (3rd place)
2. 2nd rank Award of Shanghai Teaching Achievement, 2001 (3rd place)
3. 2nd rank Award of Teaching Innovation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2006 (1st place)
4. 3rd rank Award of Excellent Teacher of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2007
5. 3rd rank Award of Excellent Textbook of Shanghai, 2007(2nd place)
6. Award of Excellent Course of Ministry of Education, 2008(3rd place)
7. 2nd rank Award of "Candle Plan" of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009(1st place)
1. Algorithms and Data Structures.
2. How to Program with C++.
3. Foundations of Computer Science.
First Author Papers:
1. Tong-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Min Shen, Hong-Tao Lu. “Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Cluster Learners and Build Learning Communities”. Chinese Journal of Electronics. To appear. (SCI Source Journal)
2.Tong-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Min Shen. “Multi-Interest Self-Organizing Learning Community Model and Construction Algorithms”. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.19, No.1, pp18-22, 2010.(SCI Index: 558AR,000274712900004)
3. Tong-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Min Shen .“Learning Objects Automatic Semantic Annotation by Learner Relevance Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics(BMEI‘09). Tianjin, China. Vol. 4, pp.2279-2282, 2009. (EI Index: 20100312643599)
4. Tong-Zhen Zhang, Rui-Min Shen. “image semantic automatic annotation by relevance feedback“. Journal of Donghua University, Vol.24, No.5, pp662-666, 2007. (EI Index: 20081711210742)
5. Tong-Zhen Zhang, Yonggang Fu. “An Image Semantic Retrieval System Design and Realization”. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Guangzhou, China. Vol. 9, pp5284-5289.2005. (EI Index: 2005509539666)
6. TongZhen Zhang, Yonggang Fu, Rui-Min Shen. “Improve Question&Answer System by Applying Genetic Algorithm”. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, v 4, p 2317-2321, Shanghai, China. 2004. (EI Index: 2004458446839)
7. Tongzhen Zhang, Gongliang Yang. “Algorithm of Human Face Identifying Based on Rapid BP Neural Network”. Computer Simulation. 2006(6).pp198-200.
8. Zhang Tongzhen, Shen Ruimin, Han Peng. “KWA An improved Question Matching Algorithm Based on Keywords Weight Analysis”. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Beijing, China. Vol. 2, pp830-832.2002. (EI Index: 2003127405679)
9. Zhang Tongzhen, Shen Ruimin. “Question Matching Algorithm Research and Implementation in Answer Web”. Computer Engineering and Applications. 2003(39).pp103—104.
Cooperative Papers:
1. Rui-Min Shen, Yonggang Fu, TongZhen Zhang. “Modifications of kernels to improve support vector machine classifiers”. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. v 6, p 3313-3317, Shanghai, China. 2004.
2. Shen, R.M.; Tan, Y.Y.; Zhang, T.Z. “The intelligent assessment system in web_based distance learning education”. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference. v 1, p T1F/7-T1F/11. Reno, NV.2001.
3. Yang Cun-Dong; Shen Rui-Min; Zhang Tong-Zhen “Research and implement on personalized Web courseware tool model based on IMS specification”.Mini-Micro Systems. Vol.23, No.5, pp540-542, 2002.
4. Peng Dehua, Shen Ruimin, Zhang Tongzhen. “The Video Segmentation Techniques and Advances in Content-Based Retrieval”. Computer Engineering and Application.Vol.39, No.33, pp93-97, 2003.
5. Ruimin Shen, Yanqing Xu, Tongzhen Zhang, Liping Shen. “Study on Multi-agents Based Intelligent Distance Learning Enviroment”. Computer Engineering and Application. Vol.38, No.4, pp253-256, 2002.
6. Ruimin Shen, Bei Shu, Tongzhen Zhang. “A Personalized Digital Service Model Based on Web”. Micro Electric and Computer.Vol.18, No.1, pp14-18, 2001.
7. Huajun Zeng, Ruimin Shen, Liping Shen, Tongzhen Zhang. “The Security of Distance Testing System”. Computer Engineering. Vol.27, No.3, pp133-135, 2001.
8. Sun Lin, Zhang Tongzhen. “A Shot Segmentation Algorithm for Teaching Video Based on Texture Feature”. Computer Simulation.Vol.23, No.6, pp279-282----, 2006.
9. Sun Qun, Shen Ruimin, Zhang Tongzhen, Sun Jian. “Design of synchronal Stand of Stream Media in Distance Learning and Implementation of Its Intelligent Media Order Program System”. Computer Engineering. Vol.28, No.10, pp280-283----, 2002.
10. Yanqing Xu, Ruimin Shen, Tongzhen Zhang, Liping Shen. “Application of Reinforcement Learning-Based Multi-Agents in Distance Learning”. Computer Engineering. Vol.27, No.8, pp125-129----, 2001.
11. Yan Cundong, Shen Ruimin, Zhang Tongzhen. “Design and Implement on Personalized Web Courseware Tool Model Based on IMS Specification”. MiNi-MICRO SYSTEM. Vol.23, No.5, pp540-543----, 2002.
12. Sun Jian, Shen Ruimin, Zhang Tongzhen, Han Peng, Su Qun. “Design and Implementation of Intelligent Learning Advisor Based on Support Vector Machine Algorithm”. Computer Engineering and Application. Vol.39, No.29, pp103-107----, 2003.
13. Yang Cundong, Shen Ruimin, Xu Naizhuang, Zhang Tongzhen.”XML-Based Web Personalized Courseware Tool”. Computer Engineering. Vol.27, No.8, pp164-167----, 2001
14. Peng Dehua, Shen Ruimin, Zhang Tongzhen. “Design and Implementation of Network Ramble Learning Based on IMS LIP”. Computer Engineering. Vol.29, No.1, pp282-285----, 2001