- Name:Sheng Bin
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:SEIEE-3-511, SJTU
- Office Phone:+86-21-34207642
- Email:shengbin@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/people_detail.action?id=
Research Field
GPU Processing, Image-based Modeling and Rendering, Animation, Image Processing, Natural Phenomenon Simulation/Non-photorealistic Rendering.
Looking for talented graduate students (M.Sc and PhD students) for excellent research in graphics, virtual reality, and GPU Processing!
Ph.D Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011
Advisor: Prof.SUN Hanqiu
M.Sc Computer and Information Science, University of Macau, 2007
Advisor: Prof.WU Enhua
B.Eng. Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2004
B.A(Dual Degree) English, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2004
Work experience
Adjunct Professor: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea 2013-Present
Vice Director: Insititue of Computer Application (SJTU) 2013-Present
Director: Visual Media and Data Management Lab. (SJTU) 2012-Present
Vice Director: Lab For Digital Media and Data Reconstruction (SJTU) 2011-
Technical Consultant: Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) 2012-Present
Research Assistant: University of Macau 2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2007-2009
Teaching Assistant: University of Macau 2004-2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2009-2010
Visting scholar: Inst. of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Winter/Summer, 2005-2009, 2012
Inst. of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012.08
University of Tokyo. Japan 2009.12
TU Braunschweig, Germany 2010.07
2010 Utrecht Short Stay PhD Fellowship China and India—Joint Research Project “GPU-based Motion Synthesis and Footstep Animation” (Mentor: Dr. A. Egges & Prof . Mark Overmars)
National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Open fund of State Key Lab. of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University.
Open fund of National Lab. of Pattern Recognition, Inst. of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Awards and Honors
Shanghai Pujiang Scholar (2013)
SJTU "Morning Star" Resaearch Award (2013)
1. Scientific Data Visualization (http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/~shengbin/course/datavis/index.htm)
2. Computer Animation Modeling and Rendering
3. Computer Animation Design and Rendering
4. Practice on Computer Animation
5. Software Engineering
Selected Publications--
1. Bin Sheng, Weiliang Meng, Hanqiu Sun, Enhua Wu Sketch-based design for green geometry and image deformation, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, to appear.
2. Xiao Lin, Bin Sheng, Lizhuang Ma, Yang Shen, Zhihua Chen: Seamlet carving for shape-aware image resizing. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 55(5): 1073-1081 (2012)
3. Ping Li, Hanqiu Sun, Bin Sheng, Jianbing Shen: Image stylization with enhanced structure on GPU. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 55(5): 1093-1105 (2012)
4. Bin Sheng, Weiliang Meng, Hanqiu Sun, Enhua Wu: MCGIM-Based Model Streaming for Realtime Progressive Rendering. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 26(1): 166-175 (2011)
5. Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun, Shunbin Chen, Xuehui Liu, Enhua Wu: Colorization Using the Rotation-Invariant Feature Space. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 31(2): 24-35 (2011)
6. Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun, Gang Yang, Enhua Wu. Furstyling on Angle-Split Shell Textures. Computer Animation and Virtual World, 20(2-3): 205-213, 2009.
7. Bin Sheng, Jian Zhu, Enhua Wu, Yan-Ci Zhang. Lumiproxy: A Hybrid Representation of Image-Based Models. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 24(3): 578-587, 2009.
8. Bin Sheng, Enhua Wu, Hanqiu Sun: Sketching freeform meshes using graph rotation functions. The Visual Computer 24(7-9): 745-752, 2008.
9. Weiliang Meng, Bin Sheng, Weiwei Lv, Hanqiu Sun, Enhua Wu. Differential Geometry Images: Remeshing and Morphing with Local Shape Preservation. The Visual Computer, 26(1):51-62, 2010.
10. Bin Sheng, Ping Li, Hanqiu Sun, Image-based restyling with fast non-local mean filtering, Proc. ICIG 2009, pp 841-846, IEEE CS press,2009.
11. Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun, Baoquan liu, Enhua Wu, GPU-based refraction and caustics rendering on depth textures, Proc. VRCAI 2009, pp.139-144,ACM press.
12. Bin Sheng, Enhua Wu: View-dependent mesh streaming using multi-chart geometry images. ACM VRST 2007, pp245-246, 2007.
11. Bin Sheng and Enhua Wu. Walking into Images: Virtual Plane Mosaics for Plenoptic Modeling, Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2007, IEEE press, USA, pp187-194,2007.
12. Bin Sheng, Hanqiu Sun,Efficient Deformable Geometry Image-maps,Proc. ACM VRST 2010, ACM press, 2010.
1. 盛斌 吴恩华 . 虚平面映射:深度图像内部视点的绘制技术. 软件学报, 2008, 19 (07): 1806-1816.
2. 迟小羽 盛斌 陈彦云 吴恩华 . 基于物理的植物叶子形态变化过程仿真造型. 计算机学报, 2009, (02):221—230.
3. 迟小羽 盛斌 杨猛 陈彦云 吴恩华 . 秋季植物叶子表观的模拟. 软件学报, 2009, (03): 702-712.
1. 基于物理的植物叶子模拟方法 发明人: 吴恩华, 迟小羽, 盛 斌, 王文成, 申请人: 中国科学院软件研究所,申请号: CN200810102119.4
2. 一种三角网格模型的重建方法 发明人:孟维亮,盛斌,吕伟伟 孙汉秋,吴恩华. 申请人:中国科学院软件研究所 申请日:2009-09-15 申请号:200910092888.5
3. 一种基于GPU的几何表面上各向同性/异性纹理合成方法(已申请) 发明人: 盛斌 孙汉秋 等