- Name:Guo Wei
- Title:Professor
- Office:5-515
- Office Phone:34205419
- Email:wguo@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://front.sjtu.edu.cn/~wguo/
Research Field
Optical Networks, Distributed Computing, Routing and Scheduling,
Optimization algorithm
Ph. D 1994-1998 Wuhan University, China (Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing)
M. Eng. 1989-1991 Wuhan University, China (Computer Science and Engineering)
B. Eng. 1981-1985 Wuhan University, China (Electronic Engineering)
Work experience
Professor, 2008-present, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Associate professor, 2003-2008, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Project Manager, 2001-2003, Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies CO., LTD, China
Associate Professor, 1997-2001, Wuhan University, China
“Packet Transport Network (PTN) and Testbed”, 863 project, 4,850,000, 08- 09. Co-PI
“Optical Grid technology for distributed computing”, 863 project, 1,000,000, 06-08. PI
"Research of Collaborative Optical Grid Resource Scheduler Based on the Spatial-Temporal Relationship ", NSFC, 250,000 07–09, PI.
“Automatically-Switched Optical Networks (ASON) and field trial”, 863 project. 1,200,000, 05- 06. PI
“Network Management System for access networks”, Shanghai High Technology Research and Development Program in. 600,000, 05- 06. PI
Awards and Honors
Optical communication
Data Structure
Geographic Information System
Wei Guo et. al, Demonstration of Joint Resource Scheduling in Optical Network Integrated Computing Environment, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, May 2010.
Wei Guo et. al, Task scheduling accuracy analysis in optical grid environments, PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.17, No.3, pp.209-217, June 2009
Wei Guo et. al, Task Scheduling Considering Fault Probability for Distributed Computing Applications over Optical Network. Journal of Optical Networking, 7, 947-957 (2008)