- Name:Yumei Wen
- Title:Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:
- Email:yumei.wen@sjtu.edu.cn
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Research Field
1. Physics of Sensors: piezoelectric, magnetoelectric, magnetic etc..
2. Self-powering sensors and energy harvesting devices
3. Measurement/detection instruments
Sept. 1994- Dec.1997 Ph. D.
College of Opto-Electronic Engineering,
Chongqing University, China
Sept. 1984-May 1987 M. S.
Department of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics and China Academy of Launc
Work experience
Awards and Honors
Member: Final evaluation expert panel, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Standing Member: Board of directors, China Instrument and Control Society
Associate Chair: Board of directors, China Instrument and Control Society Sensor Council
On Editorial board for ‘Journal of Instrument Technique and Sensor’
On Editorial board for ‘Journal of Sensing Technology’
On Editorial board for Journal ‘Instrumentation ’
On Editorial board for Journal ‘Process Automation Instrumentation’
1) Zhang Jiajia, Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhang Feng, Yang Chao, A Management Circuit with Upconversion Oscillation Technology for Electric-Field Energy Harvesting,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(8):5515-5523.
2) Bian Leixiang, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, Magnetostrictive stress induced frequency shift in resonator for magnetic field sensor, Sensors and Actuators A, 2016, 247: 453-458.
3) Wang Decai, Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Design and modeling of magnetically driven electric-field sensor for non-contact DC voltage measurement in electric power systems, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016,87(10): 105001.
4) Sun Changhe, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, Self-Contained Wireless Hall Current Sensor Applied for Two-Wire Zip-Cords, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52(7):8600204.
5) Leixiang Bian, Yumei Wen, Ping Li, Dynamic magnetomechanical behavior of TbxDy1-xFey alloy under small-signal AC drive fields superposed with various bias fields, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52(8):2501505.
6) Jing Qiu, Yumei Wen, Ping Li, Hengjia Chen, High sensitivity zero-biased magnetic field sensor based on multiphase laminate heterostructures with FeCuNbSiB nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy, AIP Advances, 2016, 6(5): 055902.
7) Guo C, Wen Y, Li P, Wen J, Adaptive noise cancellation based on EMD in water-supply pipeline leak detection, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,2016, 79(1): 188-197
8) Cai Jiahuan, Li Ping,Wen Yumei, et al, Energy Storage Property of Quartz Resonator, Acta Physica Sinica,2016, 65(10): 104205.
9) Wen Jing,Wen Yumei,Li Ping, et al, Junction-temperature estimation in AlGaInP light-emitting diodes using the luminescence spectra method, Journal of Semiconductors,37(6):064010_01-064010_04.
11) Li Ping, Liu Shuangjian, Wen Yumei, et al, Maximal Power Tracing Circuit for Electric Field Energy Harvesters , Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2016,37(2): 301-307.
12) Ye Weishen, Wen Yumei , Li Ping, Self-contained Current Sensor for Double-cord Cables, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2016, 37(5): 1010-1017.
13) Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhang Zhiqiang, Pan Shiqiang, A High-Efficiency Management Circuit Using Multiwinding Upconversion Current Transformer for Power-Line Energy Harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015, 62(10): 6327-6335.
14) Chen Lei , Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Theoretical analyses of nonlinear magnetoelectric response in self-biased magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated composites, Composite Structures ,2015,119: 685-692.
15) Chen Lei , Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Resonance magnetoelectric effect in an asymmetric magnetostrictive/piezoelectric trilayered composite structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 646: 1032-1035.
16) Aichao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, Low-magnetic-threshold acoustic switch fabricated utilizing magnetoelastic FeNi/brass phononic crystal plate, Applied Physics Express,2015,8(9): 097201.
17) Aichao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, High-Q cross-plate phononic crystal resonator for enhanced acoustic wave localization and energy harvesting, Applied Physics Express,2015,8(5): 057101.
18) Jing Qiu, Yumei Wen, Ping Li, Hengjia Chen; The giant magnetoelectric effect in Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9/PZT thick film composites; Journal of Applied Physics;2015,117:17D701.
19) Jing Qiu, Yumei Wen, Ping Li, Hengjia Chen, Jin Yang; A vibration energy harvester using five-phase laminate composite transducer based on nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy; Journal of Applied Physics;2015,117:17E705.
20) Jing Qiu, Yumei Wen, Ping Li, Xin Liu, Hengjia Chen, Jin Yang; A resonant electromagnetic vibration energy harvester for intelligent wireless sensor systems; Journal of Applied Physics;2015,117:17B509.
21) Bian L., Wen Y. , Li P., Field-dependent characteristics of equivalent circuit parameters and the magneto-impedance effect in Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 laminate vibrator, Sensors and Actuators A, 2015, 236: 338-342.
22) Zhao J., Yang J., Lin Z., Zhao N., Liu J., Wen Y., Li P., An arc-shaped piezoelectric generator for multi-directional wind energy harvesting, Sensors and Actuators A, 2015, 236: 173-179.
23) Lu Caijiang, Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Yang Aichao, Large self-biased magnetoelectric properties in heterostructure of graded-magnetostrictive layers and a rosen-type piezoelectric transformer. IEEE Sensors Journal,2015,15(1):402-407.
24) Aichao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, Note: Enhanced energy harvesting from low-frequency magnetic fields utilizing magneto-mechano-electric composite tuning-fork, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015,86(6): 066102.
25) Yu Qiangmo, Yang Jin, Yue Xihai,Yang Aichao, Zhao Jiangxin, Zhao Nian, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, 3D, wideband vibro-impacting-based piezoelectric energy harvester; AIP ADVANCES;2015,4(5):047144.
26) Zhang J., Wen Y., Li P., Nonintrusive Current Sensor for the Two-Wire Power Cords, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11): 7134760.
27) Qiu J., Wen Y., Li P., Chen H., Design and Optimization of a Tunable Magnetoelectric and Electromagnetic Hybrid Vibration-Based Generator for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11): 7105947.
28) Chen Lei , Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Near-Flat Self-Biased Magnetoelectric Response in Three-Phase Metglas/Terfenol-D/PZT-Laminated Composites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11): 7140802.
29) Chao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Aichao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang, and Jiajia Zhang, Giant Converse Magnetoelectric Effect in PZT/FeCuNbSiB/FeGa/FeCuNbSiB/PZT Laminates Without Magnetic Bias Field, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11): 7110327.
30) Xu X, Qiu J., Wen Y., Li P., Chen H. , Liu X., Zero-biased magnetoelectric effects in five-phase laminate composites with fecov soft magnetic alloy, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11): 7123637.
31) Xin Liu, Jing Qiu, Hengjia Chen, Xiaoyu Xu, Yumei Wen, and Ping Li, Design and Optimization of an Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester Using Dual Halbach Arrays, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015,51(11): 7113852.
32) Decai Wang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Aichao Yang, Feng Zhang, and Jiajia Zhang, Resonant Magnetoelectric Effect in Winglike Magnetoelectric Composites of Fe-Based Nanocrystalline FeCuNbSiB Alloy and Piezoelectric Ceramic Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 With Middle Bonding, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015,51(11): 7113843.
33) Chao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Aichao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang, and Jiajia Zhang, Large Converse Magnetoelectric Properties Without Bias in Composite of Rosen-Type Piezoelectric Transformer and Magnetization-Graded Ferromagnetic Material, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015,51(11): 7110371.
34) Yang Jin, Yu Qiangmo, Zhao Jiangxin, Zhao Nian, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, Wideband and 2D vibration energy harvester using multiple magnetoelectric transducers, Smart Structures and Systems, 16(4): 579-591.
35) Zhang Jitao, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, A passive current sensor employing self-biased magnetoelectric transducer and high-permeability nanocrystalline flux concentrator , Rare Metals, 2015, 6
36) Aichao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, Low-magnetic-threshold acoustic switching utilizing magnetoelastic FeNi/brass phononic crystal plate, 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, Beijing, 7156956, 11-15 May 2015.
37) Guo Chenchen, Wen Yumei ,Li Ping, et al, Pipeline Leak Signal Enhancement by EMD,Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2015,36(6):1397-1405.
38) Shi Ge,Wen Yumei ,Li Ping, et al, Study on the Leak Signal Processing based on Cosine Filter BankChinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2015,12(36).
39) Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Wenjian Yin, and Hanzhong Wu, An up-conversion management circuit for low-frequency vibrating energy harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2014, 61(7): 3349-3358.
40) Aichao Yang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Significant tuning of band structures of magneto-mechanical phononic crystals using extraordinarily small magnetic fields , Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (1): 011904(1)-(4)
41) Zhang Jitao, Li Ping, Wen Yumei,He Wei,Yang Aichao,Wang Decai,Yang Chao,Lu Caijiang, Giant self-biased converse magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic heterostructure with single-phase magnetostrictive materials, Applied Physics Letters,2014,105(17): 172408.
42) Yang Aichao , Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Lu Caijiang, Peng Xiao, Zhang Jitao, He Wei, Enhanced acoustic wave localization effect using coupled sonic crystal resonators, Applied Physics Letters,2014,104(15):151904(1)-(4).
43) Qiu Jing, Wen Yumei, Li Ping, Magnetoelectric coupling characteristics of five-phase laminate composite transducers based on nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy, Applied Physics Letters,2014,104(11): 112401(1)-(4).
44) Lu Caijiang, Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Yang Aichao, Yang Chao, Wang Decai, He Wei, Zhang Jitao, Zero-biased magnetoelectric composite Fe73. 5Cu1Nb3Si13. 5B9/Ni/Pb(Zr1-x,Ti x)O3 for current sensing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589: 498-501.
45) Chen Lei,Li Ping,Wen Yumei,Zhu Yong, Large self-biased effect and dual-peak magnetoelectric effect in different three-phase magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2014,606:15-20.
46) Chen Lei, Li Ping, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Magnetoelectric effects in multilayered magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites with Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy at zero bias magnetic field, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 595:87-91.
47) Zhang Jitao,Li Ping,Wen Yumei,He Wei,Yang Aichao,Lu Caijiang, Packaged current-sensing device with self-biased magnetoelectric laminate for low-frequency weak-current detection, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014,23(9):095028
48) Jitao Zhang, Ping Li, Yumei Wen, Wei He, Jin Yang, Aichao Yang, Caijiang Lu and Wenli Li,Enhanced sensitivity in magnetoelectric