Course Selecting for Exchange Students


1. Exchange graduate students could use jaccount to choose SEIEE gradaute level courses in Graduate Student Education Platform, and also use jaccount to log into Undergraduate ElectSYS to choose undergraduate courses and Chinese course.

Undergraduate students could use jaccount to log into Undergraduate ElectSYS to choose undergraduate courses and Chinese course, and register as auditing student in Auditing platform to choose graduate courses.

2. Exchange students could choose courses from other schools like JI inside SJTU( School of Medicine and MBA/IMBA/EMBA/MIB programs of Antai College  EXCLUDED) , while permit and instruction from that school education office would be required.

3.School of Medicine and MBA/IMBA/EMBA/MIB programs of Antai College are not open to exchange students for free. Sudents may pay to take those courses with permit and instruction from School of Medicine /Antai College education office.

4.Minimum credits required: 12 credits
Average full-load credits per semester: 20~25 credits (1 credit = 15~16 class hours)

5.For most updated information, please check SJTU exchange student website


How to choose courses:

1. For exchange graduate students choose graduate courses

a) log into the graduate education system with jaccount and use Google Chrome to translate

b) choose courses and then choose classes by choosing instructor/time and location

c) go through timetable in the platform to double check whether you have finish course selecting


2. For exchange undergraduate students choose graduate courses

Note: exchange undergraduate students could only take graduate courses as auditing students and get auditing courses transcript

a) log into the auditing system and register.

b) use the registration information to log into the course choosing system

c)  Students could use first two weeks of each semester to choose or drop courses. Print Graduate Courses Auditing Application (研究生课程旁听申请表) and submit the paper to Mr. Chen Bin

d) Dropping courses after application submission to Mr. Chen would need Mr. Chen's permission.

e) Mr. Chen Bing contact info:

Mr. Chen Bin, Room 337, Chen Ruiqiu Buidling, Minhang Campus, 021-34206360;


3. For graduate exchange student choose undergraduate courses and Chinese

a) use jaccount to log into undergraduate course system ElectSYS

b) take courses

c) read this notice of 2015 fall semester so you may know the details. Note each semester the regulation from International Student Development Center Mobility Office may change, so take care you get the most updated version.


English transcripts will be ready in the third week of the semester next to exchange period. That means if you finish your exchange of 2015 fall semester, your official transcript would come out in the third week of 2016 spring semester. According to past experience, it is almost impossible for students to get transcript earlier since most course instructor submit final grades quite late, usually in the first two weeks of each semester. You could always log back to your jaccount to see whether all grades are completed.

Note 1: If one did not attend a course, in the transcript, it would show "miss exam".

Note 2: Courses taken from Graduate Student Education Platform, Undergraduate ElectSYS, and auditing system would result in three transcripts.

Transcript from Graduate Student Education Platform

Please write to Ms. Jun Ma (, stating your student ID, all the courses you have taken, and ask for an official transcript. Without-stamp version would be ready on the day, with-stamp version would be ready in one week. Delivery would take 2-3 weeks by mail.

Transcript from Undergraduate Student ElectSYS

Please write to Ms. Miao Chen for more information. (

Transcript from Auditing System

Please write to Ms. Jun Ma (, stating your student ID, all the courses you have taken as auditing student, and ask for an official transcript. With-stamp version would be ready in one week. Delivery would take 2-3 weeks by mail.



[ 2015-05-26 ]