X033514 Advanced Computer Graphics计算机图形学


课程名称 (Course Name) Advanced Computer Graphics

课程代码 (Course Code): X033514/C033715

学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours)3/54

开课时间 (Course Term ) Spring Term

开课学院(School Providing the Course:  SEIEE

任课教师(Teacher:  Ma, Lizhuang

课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours:  4-8

课程实验数(Lab Hours:   4-8

课程内容简介(Course Introduction):

Computer graphics started with the display of data on hardcopy plotters and cathode ray tube screens soon after the introduction of computers themselves. It has grown to include the creation, storage, and manipulation of models and images of objects. These models come from a diverse and expanding set of fields, and include physical, mathematical, engineering, architectural, and even conceptual structures, natural phenomena, and so on. Computer graphics today is largely interactive: The user controls the contents, structure, and appearance of objects and of their displayed images by using input devices, such as a keyboard, mouse or touch-sensitive panel on the screen. Because of the close relationship between the input devices and the display, the handling of such devices is included in the study of computer graphics. In this course, we will introduce the basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 3d primitives, geometric transformations in 2D and 3D space, viewing in 3D, representing curves and surfaces, visual reality and computer animation. This course provides the basis for graphics algorithm design, CAD software development and game development. Additional materials will be introduced with the recent progress in the fields of game design, computer animation and image processing. Meanwhile, the students are required to use some well-known software, such as Maya, AutoCAD.

教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):

1)    Course Content and Basic Requirements

Course content includes: basic geometry rasterization; polygon clipping algorithm; 2D/3D geometric transformations; viewing in 3D (parallel, perspective projection); curves and surfaces; hidden surface removal; illumination and rendering; computer animation.

Students are required to master the generation algorithm of basic geometry; the basic clipping algorithm; 2D/3D translation, rotation, scaling and shear transformation; 3D space parallel projection and perspective projection; 3D space viewing; generation algorithms of Hermit, Bezier,  B-spline and NURBS curves ;Bezier, B-spline, NURBS surface generation algorithms; a variety of algorithms of visible surface detection and hidden surface removal; a variety of algorithms of illumination models and ray tracing; radiosity model, algorithms and rendering procedure; the basic concepts and methods of computer animation, basic principle of animation creation.

2) Experimental Content and Basic Requirements

Students are required to finish the construction of Bezier’s or B-spline’s curves and surfaces, to implement basic ray tracing or radiosity algorithms

3) Requirements for postgraduates’ ability-developing in curricular teaching activities; capacity-building arrangements and requirements in extracurricular science and technology activities and social practices.

Curricular teaching activities: Mainly by teaching, interspersed with some exercise explaining and question discussing.

Extracurricular science and technology activities and social practices: visiting the digital media and data reconstruction laboratory, knowing the current hot spots and key technologies of graphics researches.

课程进度计划(Course Schedule):

1周:  Chapter 1 Introduction

1-2周:Chapter 3 Basic Raster Graphics Algorithms for Drawing 2D Primitives    Sections 3.1-3.14

3周:  Chapter 5 Geometrical Transformations    Sections 5.1-5.8

Chapter 6 Viewing in 3D    Sections 6.1-6.6

4周: Chapter 11 Representing Curves and Surfaces    Sections 11.1-11.5

5周: Chapter 12Solid Modeling    Section 12.1-12.10

6周: Chapter 13 Achromatic and Colored Light(optional)    Section 13.1-13.6. This chapter is optional depending on the teaching progress

7周: Chapter 14 The Quest for Visual Realism     Sections 14.1-14.11

8周: Chapter 15 Visible-Surface Determination    Sections 15.1-15.11

             Notice that sections 15.7-15.10 will be taught briefly.

9周: Chapter 16 Illumination and Shading    Sections 16.1-15

(Chapter 17 Image Manipulation and Storagethe students are recommended to study this chapter themselves)

10周:(Chapter 19 Advanced Geometric and Raster Algorithms     Section 19.1-19.10

           An introduction is only given.)

11周: (Chapter 20 Advanced Modeling Techniques   An introduction is only given)

12 周:Chapter 21 Animation   Sections 21.1-6

Notice: Students will have a discussion on home works and the lab experiment for software system for about 4-8 hours in the middle and end of the course respectively.

课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements)

1. To attend the class and do home works

2. To complete a comprehensive programming project as final examination.

参考文献(Course References)

1Introduction to computer graphics, James Foley, China Machine Press, 2004

2Computer graphics-principles and practice, James Foley, China Machine Press, 2002

3Course of computer graphics, Rongxi Tang, Science Press,2000

预修课程(Prerequisite Course

Date StructureAlgorithm Analysis or Linear Algebra

[ 2015-11-26 ]