Executives from RTE visit SEIEE

A team of 15 executives from Réseau de Transport d'Électricité (RTE) paid a visit to SEIEE and had an innovation-friendly R&D Seminar on the cooperation between Chinese universities and French companies on the afternoon of May 20, 2014.


Delegates from France include Mr. Philippe Dupuis from the Executive Board, Vice President of RTE International Mr. Vincent Feltin and also Directors from the Operations, Innovation, and other Departments. Vice Dean Liu Hui and Yang Xiaokang, Assistant Dean Ma Yixin, Director Yan Zheng, Vice Director Wang Keyou from Electrical Department, Associate Professor Hong Zhiyong and Gao Qiang from SEIEE, along with a few students from France who are studying in Shanghai Jiaotong University attended the meeting. Ms. Li Huijie from Alstom Grid China Technology Center, coordinate company for this meeting, was also present.



The participants showed keen interest on Chinese research-oriented universities' innovative abilities and functions on smart power grids after representatives from SEIEE introduced the developments in scientific research on the electric engineering field, engineering education, and innovative cooperation. The two parties extended wide-range exchanges on topics such as the cultivation of engineers on smart power grids, roles of Chinese universities on technological innovation, practices of international cooperation and intellectual property and many more.



After the meeting, delegates visited SEIEE’s superconducting applications laboratory and GIS partial discharge testing laboratory. Through this, both parties were able to gain a mutual understanding and were willing to have further communication to expand cooperative fields.

[ 2014-05-28 ]