Hichem Snoussi,
Ph.D, HdR
Full Professor,
Delaunay Institute, UMR STMR 6279, CNRS
University of
Technology of Troyes, France
Talk 2:
Title: Particle
Filtering on Riemannian Manifolds. Application to Visual Tracking
Venue:Room 406, No.5
SEIEE Buiding
Time: 10:00AM,
June 14,Tuesday
Recently, a
general scheme of particle filtering on Riemannian manifolds has been proposed
in [Snoussi 2006]. In addition to the nonlinear dynamics, the system
state is constrained to lie on a Riemannian manifold, which dimension is much
lower than the whole embedding space dimension. The Riemannian manifold
formulation of the state space model avoids the curse of dimensionality
from which suffer most of the particle filter methods. Furthermore, this
formulation is the only natural tool when the embedding Euclidean space cannot
be defined (the state space is defined in an abstract geometric way) or when
the constraints are not easily handled (space of positive definite matrices).
In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed differential-geometric
framework, we consider the problem of visual tracking. The specificity of our
modeling is the extension of the hidden state (velocity and position) by
jointly estimating the state covariance. As the state covariance is a
positive definite matrix, the Euclidean space is not suitable when
tracking this covariance. Instead, one should exploit the differential
geometric properties of the space of positive definite matrices, by
constraining the estimated matrix to move along the geodesics of this Riemannian
manifold. The proposed sequential Bayesian updating consists thus
in drawing state samples while moving on the manifold geodesics.
Hichem Snoussi
was born in Bizerta, Tunisia, in 1976. He received the diploma degree in
electrical engineering from the Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Supelec),
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in 2000. He also received the DEA degree and the Ph.D.
in signal processing from the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, in 2000
and 2003 respectively. He has obtained the HdR from the University of
Technology of Compiègne in 2009.
Between 2003
and 2004, he was postdoctoral researcher at IRCCyN, Institut de Recherches en
Communications et Cybernétiques de Nantes. He has spent short periods as
visiting scientist at the Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan and Olin
Neuropsychiatry Research Center at the Institute of Living in USA. Between 2005
and 2010, he has been associate professor at the University of Technology of
Troyes. Since September 2010, he has been appointed a Full Professor position
at the same university. He is in charge of the regional research program S3
(System Security and Safety) of the CPER 2007-2013 and the CapSec plateform
(wireless embedded sensors for security). He is the principal investigator of
an ANR-Blanc project (mv-EMD), a CRCA project (new partnership and new
technologies) and a GDR-ISIS young researcher project. He is partner of many
ANR projects, GIS, strategic UTT programs. He obtained the national doctoral
and research supervising award PEDR 2008-2012.